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Showing posts from August, 2018

Why September Is A “Turning Point” Month For You

September's Magical Numerology = Big Changes Ahead Get your July forecast here >> Yesterday (8/26), a psychic and sensitive Full Moon in Pisces brought much-welcomed calming vibes to the Cosmos after an intense eclipse season, setting the scene for your “turning point” month ahead. September's numerology will ignite your transformative power and offer you a powerful glimpse at the gifts coming your way in 2019. A “2” Universal Month (9+2+0+1+8=20; 2+0 =2), September will amplify collaborative vibrations and invite you to unveil your inner wisdom. And, thanks to the magic of this 9th calendar month, the energy of your Personal Year will greatly intensify, Siong, reminding you of what you must do to make the most of 2018, before it's over. Find out what September has in store for you, based on YOUR Personal Year Number... GET YOUR SEPTEMBER NUMEROLOGY READING HERE → Read more >> Why September Is A “Turning Point” Month For You... September is a fa...

Exactly How Much Water Should YOU Drink

Imaging weighing yourself and you've gone up 3 pounds overnight... Actually this is NOT necessarily bad news... First, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE for those 3 pounds to be fat! In order to gain 3 pounds of fat in one day, you would need to consume more than 10,000 extra calories! What's more likely happening is you're retaining water. It means you are carrying extra water around in the tissue between cells. 50 to 60% of our total weight consists of water. Many people ask me why they are retaining water. Simply put, salty foods, excess sugars (carbs), and even dehydration can all trigger your body to carry that excess water weight! For women, water retention is always even more complicated. Most women know that retaining water weight during a certain point in our cycles is just part of life. The amount of water weight gained varies differently, even up to almost 10 pounds. Hormonal contraceptives also affect our water retention. Elevated cortisol levels are another...

5 Mindfulness Habits To Lose Weight Easily

Habits, busy lives, stress… This not only leads to the choices of what we eat, but HOW we eat. Mindful eating is becoming important, especially in a fast-paced society of on-the-go meals and convenience. It actually has its roots in Buddhist teachings with an aim towards enjoying the experience of eating versus just filling up your fuel tank. So what is being mindful? Being mindful is being in the here and now, in the moment. Mindfulness focuses on the very present, and not thinking about anything else that is going, especially anything negative. It’s avoiding all that clutter floating around in your head and focusing on exactly what is going on at this very moment. It is slowing down to think before you act. Mindful eating is being aware of the nurturing aspects of eating, rather than only eating impulsively because you are hungry. By paying attention to what your body really needs, you will find yourself making better food choices. You will gain awareness of how you can make ch...

1 Unlikely Stretch Wipes Out Sciatica

When back pain strikes I see people do these things all the time, and I even did them myself for years not knowing they only made things worse. Mistake #1:  Trying to fight back pain by strengthening your back muscles. This is very common. People think this all the time.  However the vast majority of people don't have back problems caused by a weak lower back but rather they are a result of a weak core!  When your core is weak your lower back has to strain and work extra hard so the last thing you need to do is work it even more. If you want to avoid pain in your back, hips and knees the secret is in your core. Mistake #2:  Resting your back. In the health and fitness community we've know for a long time that prolonged rest only makes your back more stiff and your muscles weaker. I remember when my dad blew out his back, he quit everything from tennis to walking.  I told him that he needed to start moving or it wasn't going to get any better. I'm n...

Turkey neck solution (tighten loose skin)

Please see the message below from our trusted partner, BioTrust Nutrition.  They have some important information to share with you today. After SIX months of being completely SOLD OUT of our first batch, my BioTrust partner Josh and I are very excited to announce that our breakthrough Ageless Glow™ skin rejuvenating serum is available once again... but hurry, our first batch sold out in a few days and this "second chance" opportunity likely won't last much longer. That's right, we’re searching for men and women who are “over 40” and suffer from visible signs of aging—like crepey “chicken skin” on your neck, face, arms, hands, and chest, crow's feet, laugh lines, sun damage, dark spots, or bags under your eyes. If you meet this criteria, please read this email completely and reply immediately. Inventory is very limited, and I'm certain all of our new bottles will be claimed within a few hours. You see, for the last three years, there is one product that o...

Do this to bring any old battery back to life - just like new

I'm not sure if you saw my last email but time is running out on this... There's a new way to bring nearly any type of old battery back to life it's just like new again. This method works with nearly ANY type of battery out there ...and it's simple and quick. But today may be your last chance to learn how to do this simple method... >> C lick Here To Watch a Presentation that will show you how this is now possible << In the presentation, you'll learn how to bring car, phone, and laptop batteries back to life. This simple methods even works with solar/off-grid, marine, golf cart, and forklift batteries. Plus, many more! >> Click here to learn how to bring your batteries back to life again << With this secret method, you won't have to buy new expensive batteries anymore. You can just recondition your old, used batteries and save money! So really ...don't miss out on seeing this. This presentation may hav...

Reset your “” karmic wealth imprint

 Your “” Life Path says a great deal about your pure manifestation power and ultimate potential… But it also reveals something that most numerologists turn a blind eye to. → Your dark side. Those deep subconscious patterns that taint your karmic “wealth imprint” and can keep you stuck in a constant state of lack and struggle. Truth is, we all have a shady side. We’ve inherited it from our parents, learned it as children, or even carried it over from a past life. It could be hundreds (or even thousands) of years old and here’s the thing… It’s hidden so deep within your soul, camouflaged by layers and layers of caked-on programming and societal “shoulds” that you don’t know it’s there. Or maybe you know it’s there and choose to ignore it completely, hiding, hoping and waiting for it to magically go away once the sun rises… Like the boogie man under the bed. All the while it wreaks havoc under the covers, limiting your potential and stifling abundance from flowing ...

If you've ever felt a man is lying to you ...

If you've ever felt a man is lying to you ... Or wondered why it is that a man can absolutely ADORE you one moment, and then have him vanish the next ... Or if you've ever been HURT by a man's fear of commitment, wishy washy behavior, or wandering eye in the past ... And now you can never really feel SAFE in his arms, because you know men can grow bored, stray, and CHEAT with no warning at all ... Then I NEED you to know: You are NOT alone. Relationship confusion and anxiety is everywhere. Yet, what if you could 'brainwash' any man to be REPULSED by the thought of cheating, straying, or building a future with anyone else but YOU? What I love about this video is that it teaches you how to literally 'reset' any man's thoughts and feelings towards you from the inside ... To have him so utterly focused on you he can't even think about other women ... To have him dreaming of you ... Missing you when you're not around .....

Did you know mental imagery can cause strength gains?

Did you know mental imagery can cause strength gains? Or that certain lower body exercises can increase the strength of your upper body? Or that stretching one limb can increase the flexibility of another (un-stretched) limb? As we now know, the science is clear on this — your brain can regulate force production without you ever having to move a muscle. If you are tired of the usual fitness hype and looking for something new and different that you can do even if you’re starting to feel your age a little, you need to listen closely… Training your brain to send stronger, clearer signals to your muscles is like tapping into your muscles "source code"… Which translates to more muscle engagement by recruiting more muscle fibers (or getting the fibers to work more quickly and efficiently). This “reprograms” your nervous system so it activates the right muscle fibers with greater precision… granting you better muscle contraction/relaxation balance… and developing a p...

Another look at the keto diet

Another look at the keto diet AUGUST 20, 2018   HEALTH ,  NUTRITION BY AGENCY In a recent column, I stated, “Even if we entirely avoided all carbohydrates, our bodies would use protein in an alternate recipe to make glucose (sugar) to fuel our cells.” However, someone responded: “According to Dr Jason Fung, author of  The Obesity Code , if one eats a diet of 65% healthy fat, 35% protein, and 5% carbohydrate, the body will be in ketosis and will burn fat, not protein, to make glucose to fuel our cells. “Only when the body reaches the level of 4% fat will protein be used to make glucose.” He then goes on to describe his success with this diet under his doctor’s supervision. “I have lost a pound a week for 15 weeks and feel very good after the initial few days of sugar withdrawal. My regime of full fat yoghurt and milk, unsweetened whipped cream in my coffee, olive and avocado oils, limited fruit, no root vegetables, no flour, beans or pulses, satisfies my ...

The Sarawak Report

Pre-order now to reserve your copy. Retail price in Malaysia is approx. RM78. Link at Postage is RM10 to West Malaysia,  RM15 to East Malaysia, £4 to the UK. More rates available upon check out. We will ship the items following the book launch in Malaysia on Sept 8, 2018. Shipping will take between (2-4 days) for Malaysia, Australia, the UK and Asia. Between (5-7) days for Europe, USA and the rest of the world.  Due to limitations with delivery, we are only able to ship a maximum of 2 books per customer for each order. The Book The Sarawak Report is the stranger-than-fiction tale of how one woman uncovered the world’s biggest theft which, in 2018, brought down the Malaysian government. Investigating the deforestation of Sarawak, Borneo, and the dispossession of its people, journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown followed a trail of corruption that led her to the heart of Malaysian politics and to Prime ...

How to Become More Insulin Sensitive

Insulin resistance can carry significant health risks, as it is associated with type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular problems, among others. Taking steps to improve insulin sensitivity, especially for overweight individuals and those with diabetes can be an important step in improving overall health. Here are some key factors that may help to improve insulin sensitivity: Caloric Restriction Eating fewer calories is a well-established way to improve insulin sensitivity. “Calorie restriction reduces fat mass, delays the development of age-associated diseases such as type 2 diabetes, and increases lifespan in rodents. In obese humans, it is well established that calorie restriction, weight loss, and exercise improve insulin sensitivity,” researchers summarize. Research shows that after six months of a 25% caloric reduction, overweight patients were more likely to lose weight, fat mass, and fat cell size. In addition, the intervention group significantly reduced their fasti...

Free Life Path Abundance Reading

We have an exciting surprise for you today. Ever since Kari’s 11:11 Activating Abundance teleclass on Thursday night, we’ve received a lot of questions about what numerology reveals about YOUR specific abundance blocks. Well, turns out, A LOT… →  Free Life Path Abundance Reading, click here Your personal numerology chart is the blueprint of your soul and, when decoded properly, it offers many fascinating clues about how to effortlessly float through life, and what may be keeping you stuck. You see, every element in your chart has both a light and shadow side. So while your “” Life Path highlights your natural abilities, rare gifts, and pure manifestation power (which is off the charts, BTW)… It also uncovers the hidden subconscious blocks that are misdirecting your Life Path and ruining your chances of EVER reaching the level of abundance and joy you deserve in life… And it’s not even your fault! The good news is, all you need is a team of numerological architects...

10 Habits For Staying Fit

Many people ask me how I can be married to a French chef and not weigh a ton. I’ve actually lost 30 pounds since we met — with zero effort. This is true. We eat as much as we like. We try to exercise but don’t get to the gym often (Too busy!). We often indulge in pastries, and we love good wine and craft beer. Still, we are both fit and happy with our bodies, and we achieve this easily. People ask us all the time how we do it. It’s kind of a secret formula, if you will. And we want to share it with you. We can’t reveal it all (not enough space!), but here are our 10 Habits For Staying Fit: 1. Enjoy food.  Food is a lot of fun. We have family dinners. We bring variety to the dinner table and try new ingredients or cuisines. More importantly, we never restrict ourselves; life is too short for that. 2. Stay active.  Nothing strenuous! Just parking your car away from the grocery store, taking a walk with the kids after dinner, or taking the stairs instead of the elevat...

Diabetes High Glucose Frustration

When my glucose levels are high, the emotions I feel are far and reaching: from mild despair to total frustration. But the emotion that I have learned to summon to tackle high glucose levels effectively is patience. There are always a few exceptions, but in general, I find low glucose levels a bit easier to deal with than high glucose levels: just knock back a few glucose tablets and call it done. Of course there are many other frustrations with low glucose such as I may have to lay across the couch for ten minutes to optimize the rate at which perspiration is steaming from my body, but in general, I can move on quickly. For me, high glucose levels seem to take so much longer to deal with. It takes so, so, so very long for the insulin to work. Sometimes a high glucose can stay around for 6 to 8 hours. And it’s so frustrating! At first, there’s optimism. It’s just a number, right?! The number is just a piece of information that I use to manage my diabetes. My approach is to t...

How to eliminate cellulite?

According to the American Journal of Dermatology 90% of women suffer with “lumpy legs”... I’m talking about cellulite :( Dimples on the butt, thighs and hips. It’s completely normal, yet these these lumps and bumps can cause many women to feel embarrassed by the appearance of their hips, butt and thighs. So… Rather than cover your legs up for eternity I  wanted to give you 3 simple ways to hide that pesky “orange peel” skin… 1) Tanning This is a simple fix that many women use to reduce the appearance of cellulite and it works well because cellulite is more visible on lighter skin than it is on dark skin. However, I recommend self tanning over sunbathing because overtime the UV rays can actually weaken your skin making it less resilient, which can actually make cellulite even worse. 2) Massage The idea here is boost blood flow to the hips, thighs and butt which will help get rid of toxins and reduce extra fluid that may be stored in the area causing cellulite to look w...

Can people with diabetes take eggs and coffee daily?

One large egg contains about half a gram of carbohydrates, so it’s thought that they aren’t going to raise your blood sugar but one large egg contains nearly 200 mg of cholesterol. High levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream also raise the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. So monitor your cholesterol levels because diabetes is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. that means if you cholesterol level is maintained it is okay to take eggs but avoid taking it daily to avoid any risk  and about coffee,  I love coffee. Tastes so good and make me feel good. Caffeine is the most popular psychoactive drug in the world. And the way most people get it is through coffee. When you drink the coffee, the caffeine actually hijacks your brain. There are receptors in your brain meant for a chemical called Adenosine. And adenosine is what actually makes you feel tired, but when you drink caffeine, the caffeine takes control of those receptors and doesn’t leave any room...

Your numerology forecast: August, 2018 is a 19 Universal Month

YAY! August is here, and not a moment too soon... → And we’re celebrating in the most magical way! July was intense. There’s no ju-lying about that. A heavy  double eclipse, Mercury retrograde and a 9 Universal Month  to boot. This chaotic cosmic configuration may have stirred up some (ok, a lot of) unresolved inner challenges, abundance blocks, and unexpected emotions that put your forward momentum in reverse last month. Thankfully, that all came to an end yesterday as we said sayonara to July and rise and shine to a powerful surge of transformational Universal energy that will last all month long! August, 2018 is a  19 Universal Month  (8+2018 = 8+2+0+1+8 = 19). In numerology, 19 is the powerful Karmic Number of transformation and new beginnings. It represents a beautiful harmony of  explosive 1 energy , the number of inspiration and fresh starts, with  healing 9 energy , the number of release and moving on. The heaviness that weighed y...