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Showing posts from April 5, 2017

Great Things About Mischief Saving Box Cute Cat Steal Coin Bank

This is a automatically Coin Bank which a piggy will come out of cardboard box and grab your coins from. The best thing about these guys is the fact they will give your money back whenever you want them to. Kitty pops out of the box to steal your coins. Kitty will hide in box. When dumb hooman puts a coin on the fishy food bowl on top of the box, he will pop out, snatch coin, go back into box, meow cute-liek, count money silently. As hooman cannot resist the feedback, hooman will put coin after coin on the food bowl to watch the kitteh pop out and snatch it. Click here to shop this product The premise is simple, you place a coin on the platform, push down, and a little kitty-cat pops up out of the box and steals your coin with one of his sneaky little paws. Although an older toy that's been around for a while, there's just something about adding coins to your piggy bank and having a little cat stealing each one to add to your bank. Plus it makes for the perfect gift ...

Virtual Reality VR 3D Glasses

There’s a lot of buzz going on about virtual reality (VR). There are articles popping up in the news and a lot of general excitement. With smartphone-compatible versions of VR, like Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR, already on the market, as well as the recent pre-release of the Oculus Rift and the imminent arrival of the HTC Vive, one thing is certain: virtual reality is coming. Although many have forecasted VR’s categorical success, others are not so certain about it. Some naysayers have even predicted that VR will be a complete flop, saying it’s doomed to the same fate as 3D TV. The biggest problem with 3D TV was that there simply wasn’t enough content to persuade mainstream consumers to go out and buy expensive new TV sets (not to mention that the technology was imperfect at best…). It always remained a niche venture. But this is just not the case with VR. As I write these sentences, even before Oculus Rift, the first dedicated, full-fledged VR headset, become...