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Showing posts from November 18, 2017

(New Free Golf Video) 1 move to instantly improve your ball striking...

Today you're in for a golfing treat, because I have for you one free magic golf swing move that will instantly improve your ball striking. That's no BS either. Go here and look at all the comments (almost 1000) from golfers saying exactly that. When you go here you'll find that you can get one magic golf swing move (for free) to instantly improve your ball striking in the following formats: ==> An illustrated 60 page PDF Report ==> A 14 minute Video ==> A 19 minute Audio You will have to put in your email address to get the 1st magic move for free, but it's well worth it. By the way, Andy Anderson who is the man behind this magic move is a great guy from St Andrews, "The Home of Golf" and he'll treat your email address with the utmost respect. So if you want to cut your handicap and instantly improve your ball striking then go here and get the one magic golf swing move for free and put it to the test like thousands of other...

6 Reasons Why You May Not Be Losing Weight

“I’m Tired of This Stubborn Belly Fat”. The belly. It’s the one part of the body that almost every woman complains about, especially for us over the age of 35. Besides just getting older, here are some reasons why you aren’t losing belly fat as fast as you’d like to. Good news! YOU can do something about it. 1. You’re stressed Work, kids, husband (wink!)… Ladies, we have a lot to stress about. However, you can blame your belly fat on being too stressed for too long. When you’re stressed, your body releases the “stress hormone” called cortisol. High levels of this makes it difficult to digest food properly and leads to weight gain, especially over the tummy. 2. You aren’t sleeping enough Besides being grumpy, when you don’t get enough sleep your body starts to produce more of the “I’m hungry” called grehlin, and less of the “I’m not hungry” hormone called leptin. This is a bad combo for that bikini belly you’ve been wanting! Try to get AT LEAST 7-8 hours of sleep at night. ...

Eating meals slowly 'could reduce your risk of diabetes'

Source: People who thoughtfully chew their food and don't rush mealtimes not only avoid indigestion - they could be preventing diabetes as well, claim scientists. They have discovered that those of us who wolf down our meals are two-and-a-half times more at risk. This could be because eating very quickly encourages weight gain which can trigger the illness. Scientists in Lithuania looked at 702 people, including 234 who had just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. They all filled in a detailed questionnaire about their lifestyles which included sections on diets, exercise and whether they smoked. One question asked them if they ate faster, more slowly or at the same speed as others. They were also measured and weighed to calculate their body mass index which determines whether they are obese. The researchers found that those who admitted they ate more quickly than most other people were two-and-a-half times more likely to develop type 2 diabet...