If you have an old car battery that has a low voltage output, it might be time to start considering a small restoration project. Reviving worn out car batteries is an important money and time saver and one that could save you from hardships in the future. Below, we take a look at how to best restore your car battery and why it is so important. When Should I Restore My Battery? Car batteries are types of lead-acid batteries, meaning that they have lead-acid cores that can suffer a condition called sulfation over time. Sulfation occurs when sulfur accrues on the lead plates that reside inside the battery casing. If there isn’t an over-abundance of sulfur corrosion, a car battery can be restored, which is much preferred to replacing a costly battery. In order to determine whether or not you should restore your battery, consider the following details: If your battery can no longer start your car, it is time to restore it. A battery shouldn’t be restored if it has any major phys...
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