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Showing posts from April 4, 2019

Diabetes Best Practice: Top 10 Dos and Don’ts

With so much to think about in terms of doses of medication, restocking supplies, tracking calories, etc., it is easy to overlook the most basic of best practices when it comes to managing our diabetes. Sometimes the simple things are the most effective when it comes to diabetes management. Here are my top 10 dos and don’ts when it comes to diabetes care: DO be diligent about testing your blood sugar. Staying on top of it will allow for better blood sugars which means a healthier you and a healthier future! DON’T become lackadaisical about monitoring your blood sugar. Starting to get lazy is a slippery slope and bad habits are hard to break. DO make sure you are on top of making routine visits to your healthcare team. Making sure you get checked out regularly is key to long-term health. DON’T assume that you are fine and don’t need to have check-ups. Aside from prescribing our medication and insulin, doctors run thorough necessary blood work and exams that can flag issues that ...