Firstly this is what is a normal insulin reaction looks like: Insulin is manufactured in the pancreas and secreted when your blood sugar levels rise. Blood sugar needs to be not too high and not too low. Insulins mechanism to remove sugar from blood is to put it into cells, like your muscles. There is a lot of cliched advice out there that doesn’t really work but if you want to make real progress, try this: REVERSE DIABETES TODAY While certain lifestyle changes are key to managing diabetes, whether you can actually turn back time so that it’s like you never had diabetes is a different matter. That depends on how long you’ve had the condition, how severe it is, and your genes. One of the most important considerations in managing type 2 diabetes is making appropriate diet choices, anything that you eat needs to be considered in terms of blood sugar impact. Nutrition therapy is key, as it is food that causes blood sugar spikes and greatly influences blood glucose levels. It is pos...
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