"This Self-Treatment system works! I couldn't move freely for 10 years due to pinched sciatic nerve. After a week of only drinking the herbal cocktail, without even trying the static exercises I was again free of all my back and leg pains. Highly recommended system. No need to take pills anymore!" Steven Armstrong, Age 64 Neuromuscular and Skeletal Detoxification: Ingesting Powerful Herbal Remedy Twice a Day. Most diseases have their origins in human past. Mental stress and poor nutrition disrupt bodily functions causing toxins to flow into muscles, joints and tendons. This process introduces inflammation and swelling into the neuro-muscular system. The herbal drink made from easy obtainable ingredients contains powerful nutrients that restore the original balance. Detoxification is a must for this system to work with 100% effectiveness. Static Position #1: Restoring Original Position of Spinal Discs Using Pressure Point Stimulation Any pain or soreness in your...
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