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Showing posts from October 1, 2018

3 Simple Drills to Transform Your Running

Did  you  get  a  chance  to  watch  the  running  technique  video  I  sent  you  the  link  to  yesterday? I've  seen  an  overwhelming  response  from  so  many  runners  who  have  found  answers  to  some  burning  questions  in  this  video,  such  as: •Why  do  I  overstride  when  I  run? •How  and  where  should  my  foot  strike  the  ground? •Why  do  my  hips  collapse  when  I  run? As  a  follow-up  to  the  video,  James  has  provided  us  with  a  free  download  containing  three  simple  and  very  effective  drills  to  practice  in  order  to  quickly  improve  your  running  form. DOWNLOAD  FREE  ==>  Three  Simple  Drills  for  Better  Running  Form Let  me  know  how  you  get  on  with  these  drills! In  my  experience,  so  many  runners  benefit  hugely  from  even  just  a  little  regular  technique  work.  Many  find  this  type  of  focus  on  running  form  to  be  the  catalyst  which  enables  them  to  make  break-throughs  in  run

Make Running Easier on Your Body

You  already  know  how  hard  running  can  be  on  our  bodies.But  it  really  doesn't  have  to  be  so  tough!It's  easier  than  you  may  think  to  improve  your  running  form,  in-turn  making  running  easier  on  your  body.  You  just  need  to  know  how.We  all  move  slightly  differently,  each  with  our  own  unique  running  style.  This  variation  is  why  some  of  us  feel  the  stresses  and  strains  of  running  in  our  thighs  and  knees,  others  feel  it  in  the  low  back,  or  calf  muscles...  amongst  other  areas! Frustratingly  some  of  these  aches  and  pains  turn  into  full-blown  running  injuries,  and  stop  us  from  training  altogether.I  want  to  share  a  great  video  from  James  Dunne,  biomechanics  and  running  rehab  expert  at  Kinetic  Revolution,  in  which  he  brilliantly  explains  some  of  the  most  common  technique  flaws  and  movement  dysfunctions  he  identifies  when  assessing  injured  runners: RE

Best butt exercise

A lot of people really love Crossfit. There's one thing I really like about it. Crossfitters for the most part have really terrific butts. Their strong looking and shapely backsides are because of all the Crossfit movements that require good glute activation. You don't have to do Crossfit though to shape yourself a great looking derriere... A recent 2018 study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research identified a glute movement that is the ideal butt exercise. It protects the spine and knees from unwanted strain commonly associated with squats and lunges while developing strength and power at short muscle lengths - maximizing muscular hypertrophy of the glutes. The latest research proves that the exercise below activates more muscle fibers in the glutes than any other exercise in existence. => Best butt exercise... Committed to your success...