It is a depressing fact of life, of course, but it is nevertheless true that laptop repair costs very much more than servicing or repairing a desktop computer would. Why this is so is not always clear. It is true, of course that laptop components cost more than desktop components. Another thing that might be influencing price is the fact that laptops still seem to be considered part of the upper income or luxury niche. When your laptop’s LCD cracks in half (and you’d be surprised that how often that happens), you might hear a technician tell you that it will cost you anything between a few hundred to even a thousand dollars to replace it. If you think this is highway robbery, it probably is. The good news, however, is that you don’t have to give in to it. It’s perfectly possible for you to replace your laptop’s screen on your own, with the help of some handy tips and a little basic guidance. If you have...
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