Today's post is going to be pretty short and simple since my last post was packed with a lot of information. Nevertheless, following the advice in this message is a vital step in building a successful internet marketing business - you'll fail in internet marketing if you don't follow this one simple rule. A lot of people getting started in this industry think affiliate marketing is as simple as posting an affiliate link, driving traffic through that link, and giggling all of the way to the bank. It's not that easy. Seriously not remotely. This myth was started by crappy affiliate marketing programs all over the internet, but the real way you make money in this industry is by delivering valuable content. I mentioned that in the last article too, but what does that actually mean? Rather than trying to make money off of your subscribers, you should be focusing 100% on making their lives better. Deliver value to your subscribers and they will follow you anywhere you...
This blog is about health, fitness, self-help, online business opportunities and social networking