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Showing posts from January 26, 2018

7 Things Not To Say To Your Ex

Getting your Ex back can be a very challenging and emotionally, exhausting experience. I know, I’ve helped thousands of people get their Ex back in my career as a relationship coach.  I know I can help you get your Ex back too, and the best part is you can start right away. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so just.................................... using my secret system to get your Ex back! DOWNLOAD THIS " HOW TO GET YOUR EX BACK"  FREE GUIDE CLICK HERE Sometimes you might miss your ex for physical as well as emotional reasons. That’s fine, congratulations if you guys have a great sexual chemistry. The temptation to have one last paddle in the canoe might be overwhelming at times, but it’s rarely a good idea. If the physical side is all you care about, then you really need to ask yourself if it’s not just time you moved on.  No matter what your preferences, sex with someone you love is always better than sex with someone you don...

Shocking: Asian Grandma is China’s sexiest supermodel…

If you’re like me when you first read that headline, you pictured some wrinkly old lady pushing a stroller down the runway... But when I saw Liu Qing’s pictures my jaw hit the floor! This woman is 62 years old, but looks like she is 32! No wonder she’s China’s most famous actress and supermodel... Her skin is porcelain white, smooth, and glowing without a single wrinkle. Her eyes don’t have a single sign of crow’s feet or bags, her mouth has no “smile wrinkles,” and she wears barely any makeup... So then I thought, maybe she got a bunch of plastic surgery (you know they do A LOT of that in Asia...)  But what I found out NEXT shocked me even more...  This woman – born in 1955 by the way – has NEVER (not once) gotten plastic surgery.  Not only that, she’s 100% natural – she’s never even gotten injections of any kind! She’s never even had a “facelift.” It turns out she says it’s all about a simple “routine” that any woman – of any age – can follow. A...

Does paleo diet help?

Help what? Though, I’d say, yes… it helps pretty much everything! Think about it this way, if anyone tells you that it’s a load of bunk… Paleo, is simply the study of how our ancestors ate and lived — as closely as we can scientifically determine, and that is always changing — and using what we learn as a TEMPLATE to choose the modern foods, methods of preparation and lifestyle that is available to people today. In doing so, we are most assured of the best chance for good health. (with the possible exception of drastic genetic mutations) The absolute best VERSION of Paleo is “The Wahls Protocol” (levels 2 and 3) which is a VERY “nutrient dense” version. I say this, because there are foods that technically fall into the Paleo category but are not necessarily as nutrient dense as one might hope. Also, paleolithic man would often likely have gone into ketosis during cold winters and dry seasons (and some even longer during ice ages) when fewer vegetables and fruits were avail...

Which diabetes is more dangerous? Type 1 or type 2?

If untreated, both are dangerous. Diabetes Type 1 is usually genetic, and is an autoimmune response where your system attacks the beta cells in your pancreas which are the cells that produce insulin. Without these, you have little or no insulin to send a signal to cells to absorb the sugar in the blood. Diabetes Type 2 diabetes usually means your cells have become desensitized by the insulin your body is producing. Desensitization is caused by intaking too much sugar, that causes insulin receptors to not respond to the insulin because too much insulin has been produced for excessive amount of time. Does eating too much sugar give you diabetes? I actually do work out and eat healthy for the most part but I'm wondering because I eat a lot of sugar? An excess of sugar in your overall diet can, indeed, increase your risk for diabetes. If your daily calorie budget is about 2,500, aim to average no more than 25 grams of added sugar per day. Sugar isn't the big bugaboo that...

Secret Tea Burns Belly Fat Like Crazy & You Probably Have the Ingredients in Your Kitchen to Make it Right Now!

By Elizabeth (Liz) Swann Miller You’ve likely heard of green tea and black tea but have you heard about red tea? If you haven’t, I urge you to take a few minutes to read this short article – if you are looking to lose weight you are not going to be disappointed. That’s because red tea, even more so than green or black tea, activate your body to burn unwanted fat. It’s true, this tea is being called “the tasty way to flush away extra pounds.” The tea, itself … which some call ‘voodoo tea’ even though the benefits it produces are real and definitely not ‘voodoo’ … was discovered in the wilds of Africa where Kenyan tribesmen drink it to eliminate hunger pangs while they hunt for their next meal. I myself used the tea, which is delicious by the way, to lose 14 pounds in 14 days and since I’ve started drinking the tea I’ve now lost a total of 41 pounds. My story is not unique. Thousands of people are losing weight with this incredible tea. And I, for one, couldn’t be more ...

Many Americans Spend 83% of Their Time Gaining Fat Instead of Burning It.

In America, we ’ve achieved something incredible: Virtual freedom from the dangers of predators. Nature ’s most vicious animals are no match for humans. But one danger still haunts us. Something stuck with us that we can’t fight off.  In fact, it’s killing more Americans than any other cause of death. Obesity-related illness. Here’s a glimpse of what Americans are suffering from: ●      Heart attacks and strokes that immediate ly end the lives of people we love. ●      Back and joint pain that keeps you stuck on the couch and ruins your mood from the moment you get out of bed. ●      Plus diabetes, liver failure, sore muscles, arthritis, and other ailments that cost thousands of dollars in prescription medication every year. Even our children are suffering the consequences. My Daughter Was Thin, But She Was Suffering from My Weight. When I was overweight, I thought, “You know, it...