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Showing posts from February 27, 2018

Drink THIS First Thing in the Morning

by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist Author of the best seller: The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging Feb, 27, 2018  This daily trick can help you detoxify, improve your digestion and boost your metabolism & energy levels You're bombarded with toxins in today's modern world... everywhere from the polluted air you breathe, the water you drink, the shampoos and other cosmetics that lather your body with chemicals, and of course, all of the chemical additives, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and other harmful compounds in the food that you eat. All of these TOXINS can have harmful effects on your body, harming your metabolism and hormones, impairing your digestive system, and zapping your energy levels. If I could tell you ONE thing that you could do each morning right as you wake up to help your body eliminate some of these toxins, improve your digestion, stimulate your metabolism, and BOOST your energy, would you do it? Of course you would... and it ta...

Common food mistakes that keep your abs hidden by fat

A few days ago, I sent you the interview which discussed various training aspects to consider for stripping off stubborn belly fat and uncovering those six pack abs that everyone wants. Today, we have the rest of the interview with Abs-Expert Mike Geary dealing with the best nutrition secrets to apply if you want to have any chance of getting lean enough to see visible abs on yourself... TSA: And finally Mike, 1 or 2 of your top secret nutrition tips for losing body fat to carve out those abs. Open your vault of info! MG: Well Craig, I think you'd agree that there has never been a more confusing time regarding proper nutrition for consumers. Every so called "expert" out there seems to disagree and contradict each other on what's the best way to eat for fat loss and overall good health. One of the most important messages I try to teach my readers in this world of heavy confusion is that your diet doesn't need to conform to any of the fad diets... you do...

Post Workout Meal : Secrets to a Hard, Lean Body

As you’ve probably heard before, your post-workout meal may very well be your most important meal of the day. The reason is that when you’re finished with an intense workout, you’re entering a catabolic state where your muscle glycogen is depleted and increased cortisol levels are beginning to excessively break down muscle tissue. These conditions (if left to go too long) are not good and the only way to reverse this catabolic state (and promote an anabolic state) is to consume a quickly digestible post-workout meal as soon as you can after training. The goal is to choose a meal with quickly digestible carbs to replenish muscle glycogen as well as quickly digestible protein to provide the amino acids needed to jump start muscular repair. The surge of carbohydrates and amino acids from this quickly digested meal promotes an insulin spike from the pancreas, which shuttles nutrients into the muscle cells. The post-workout meal should generally contain between 300-500 calories to g...

Finally! The Golf Swing Plane Explained In Simple Language (With Pics)...

Today I have something new and exciting for you. Over the next few weeks I'm going to be giving you some great information about the swing plane, from a man named Jeff Richmond. As you're no doubt aware, t he swing plane is so important in terms of distance, direction and consistency. And if you get the swing plane correct, you will have way more chance of hitting good shots consistently. So in today's first installment on the swing plane, Jeff is going to get everyone on the same page by explaining exactly what the swing plane is. And once he's done that, he will then move into some more detailed aspects of the swing plane, and what you need to do to have a consistently good swing plane. Alrighty then, let's make a start... What Is The Swing Plane? By Jeff Richmond, Director of Instruction, ConsistentGolf When you start looking at the swing plane you can get confused - FAS...

Nothing's hotter than a guy who can dunk

Source: This is what I heard the other day when I was leaving my gym. Two girls were chilling near the basketball court at the back of my gym complex. They were watching a 3-on-3 game which abruptly ended when the biggest guy decided to jump straight up, knock the defender flat on his ass and dunk on him while he was laying sprawled on the blacktop. That's when the blonde cheekily whispered this confession to her smoking-hot Asian friend in pink sweatpants: "Nothing's hotter than a guy who can dunk." And can you guess what the Asian hottie replied? She whimpered: "Uh huhhh!" This got me thinking. I mean, for as long as I can remember I've always wanted to dunk. It's been a lifelong dream of mine, but I really had no idea girls found it hot. I guess it makes sense though since most people have this belief you need to be the most athletic dude around to be able to jump that high. But the fact is that's just not ...

Discovering Your Inner Self: The Magic Story Behind Your Date Of Birth

By Dr. Bernard Yeo Have you ever wondered… What makes certain individuals more successful than others? Why do some people have to work hard to achieve results while others make it easy? Is he/she the one to marry? Am I cut out for the job I’m in right now? Will I enjoy a long life? Will I be wealthy? Is it coincidence… or destiny? Hi, my name is Dr. Bernard Yeo and I am the founder of the “Universal Characteristic Method of Human Profiling” (UCMHP)… a proven methodology that reveals your Universal character, which then enables you to unlock your unique secret codes to achieving success in all areas of your life – health, wealth, academic, career, family and romantic relationships. A proven methodology that reveals your Universal character, which then enables you to unlock your unique secret codes to achieving success in all areas of your life – health, wealth, academic, career, family and romantic relationships. Years ago, I started studying...


Spectacular Virgo Full Moon Opens 11:11 Portal March starts with a bang, with a highly positive Full Moon in Virgo – the third consecutive Full Moon at 11°! Since all of 2018 resonates to an 11 Universal Year, the message from the universe couldn't be stronger: live in the present moment and you will fulfill your greatest potential. Watch your full forecast to discover what other special messages are hidden in this magical lunation and how you can make the most out of the 3 other cosmic transits occuring simultaneously. March starts with a bang, with a highly positive Full Moon in Virgo – the third consecutive Full Moon at 11°! Watch your Virgo Full Moon Wealth Forecast here ➨ Since all of 2018 resonates to an 11 Universal Year, the message from the universe couldn’t be stronger: LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT AND YOU WILL FULFILL YOUR GREATEST POTENTIAL. This 11:11 Full Moon (March 1 at 12:51 am UT (London), March 2 at 8:51 pm EST (New York), and 5:51 pm PDT (Los Ange...