Can type 2 diabetes be cured completely with a low carb diet? By John Winget, Medical Researcher at Abudo | Type 2 diabetes is evidenced by the immunity to the purpose of insulin and at the end insulin insufficiency. Glucose levels are influenced by several factors such as stress, activity and by the type and volume of these carbohydrates we have. The question we are addressing is when a very low carbohydrate diet is the best method to optimally manage glucose levels. What's a low carbohydrate diet? The term"low carbohydrate diet" is debatable because of the controversy in the scientific community on the sum of carbohydrate allowed in the diet. A low carbohydrate diet ranges between 30 and 30g of carbohydrate per day, consisting of largely"complex" carbs such as naturally occurring whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. The other problem with a low carbohydrate diet plan is that one size doesn't fit all. A woman weighing 50kg who a...
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