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Showing posts from March 18, 2018

3 things your farts are tellling you about your health (new article)

Farts can be a little embarrassing at times, but they are obviously a natural part of life and digestion.  Some people find them funny, and some people find them gross, but they're all a part of natural digestion.  In today's guest blog from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily, they'll look at what causes farts, and what those farts might be telling you about your health... There are some things that remain unchanged from child to adulthood — and giggling when you toot is one of them. Whether you blame it on the dog or your husband, passing gas is a normal bodily function. However, is it possible to fart too often? Are your daily farts trying to tell you something? If you have noticed that you’re overly gassy lately, here’s what you need to know. What are farts, anyway? The average person farts nearly every day, so what is it that we’re passing? Also known as “flatulence,” a fart is simply an internal build-up of gas. More specifically, farts are made up of nitrogen,...

Is there a cure for insulin type 2 diabetes? Has anyone been cured?

Yes. Type II diabetes can and has been reversed. We recently helped a lady whose starting hg-A1C was 8.9. She was taking metformin. In less than 3 months, her A1C was down to 5.8 and she no longer needed medication. How? We helped her do 3 things: Eliminate added sugar and sweeteners. Swap refined grains for whole grains. Increase her fiber and nutrient by swapping processed foods for more vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds - real, whole food. Why does this work? It comes from switching to a diet that is low in insulin-spiking food. As other people have answered, type II diabetes arises from insulin resistance. This is when the body is unable to produce the insulin necessary to remove glucose from the blood. If however, we limit our intake of food that is quickly broken down by the body into glucose (and hence insulin-spiking) we are able to lower blood sugar (as measured by A1C) to a sustained level where medication is no longer necessary. The hard part is break...

What are the advancements in the treatments of diabetes?

Here are the advancements in the treatments of diabetes: 1. Brand new beta cells. Type 1 diabetes develops when a person's immune system wipes out insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. But it turns out that another type of immature beta cell has been hiding in our pancreases all along, and scientists think it might be possible to use these 'virgin beta cells' to restore the functionality of the pancreas. 2. A preventative vaccine. Finnish researchers are about to embark on the first-ever clinical trial for a type 1 diabetes prevention vaccine. While it's not a cure for those who already have the condition, a successful vaccine could potentially prevent thousands of cases each year, as the vaccine targets a virus linked with the development of an autoimmune reaction in the pancreas. 3. A unique transplant. One woman with severe type 1 diabetes has spent a year without insulin injections thanks to an experimental transplant. Doctors implanted insulin...

What is the best way to control diabetes?

Diabetes is a disorder which is common among old age people, but nowadays due to change in food and lifestyle, even youngster with 30+ age are also get affected by diabetes. Let see some 7 natural ways to control our blood sugar level. Diabetes has two types, Type 1 diabetes which occurred when insulin production stopped or insufficient and Type 2 diabetes occurred if cells do not respond to the insulin. Diabetes makes more serious complication to the body like heart disease, kidney failure. Make small changes in your daily habit and lifestyle, surely moves you to get the normal of blood glucose level. Here some best way to how to control diabetes 1.Exercise: Habitual exercise is a prominent natural cure for diabetes to increase the secretion of insulin and reaction of body cells while insulin secretion helps to manage the normal blood glucose level. You can do the Common exercise of walking, jogging, yoga, swimming, gym schedule your plan depends on your daily work then d...

How Tea Can Help You Lose Weight

Generally, people assume that they have to reduce their calorie intake in a bid to lose weight. It is true that you have to cut certain items from your diet if you want to shed the excess fat from your body, but that alone will not deliver the results you are looking for. You have to complement your weight loss efforts by consuming the right items, which will speed up the process, enabling you to burn more fat quickly. Drinking tea has proven an effective means of losing weight. People around the world consume different types of tea on a daily basis, including green tea, to reduce the harmful effects of the food they consume. The main reason tea works for weight loss is because it flushes out toxins from your system. Hence, the main roadblock to your weight loss success is eliminated and you are able to notice a difference. That said, the results do depend on your choice of tea. We will cover this in the next chapter. Develop a Habit Before you can enjoy the weight loss benefits...