The way we behave on the first couple of dates is what sets the tone for the rest of the relationship, whether it's a week long or lasts for a lifetime. It's a microcosm. This is why the first couple of dates are EVALUATIVE in nature: each person, if they're smart and accustomed to dating efficiently and effectively, is evaluating the other person to see if they're likely to be a good 'fit'. For many women, this is really confusing. Lots of women don't realize that the first date(s) are evaluative in nature - they think that the evaluation has gone on BEFORE the date even occurs. They think that if somebody asks them out on a date, they must have already decided that they 'like' her - as if this is a done and dusted conclusion. This is not the case at all! Yes, a man is INTERESTED if he asks you out on a date, or if he accepts your offer of a date. But that isn't license to get all excited and start planning your future together - o...
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