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Showing posts from February 28, 2018

Reverse insulin resistance with diet?

This email below was received from Carisa worth sharing. Don't be a hoarder of information especially when it involve health. Chef Gui here, again. Yesterday I sent you an email about the Best Cookbooks for Weight Loss and Healthy Cooking. But I forgot to emphasize one called Paleo Hacks. You see, the Paleo lifestyle (on which our weight loss program is inspired) has been known to melt away stubborn fat, keep your blood sugar in check, and increase energy. It's also a KEY COMPONENT to avoid suffering from Insulin Resistance (the nightmare condition that Carissa always warns you about!). This is precisely why, as a chef I feel responsible for warning you and showing you exactly what to do to avoid gaining weight and risking it all eating junk. By definition Insulin resistance (IR) is a pathological condition in which cells fail to respond normally to the hormone insulin. ... When the body produces insulin under conditions of insulin resistance, the cells are resi...

Which foods do people think are healthy but are actually unhealthy?

Article by Gabrielle Sheehan, I’ve been trying to eat healthier lately, so I’ve actually been doing research in this same issue! I realized because I used to drink the Chobani yogurt smoothies for breakfast because greek yogurt is healthy and these drinks were loaded with protein. It wasn’t until a roommate pointed out how full of sugar these drinks are. Here are some other things I found that are actually not as healthy for you as you would think: Salad dressing from the grocery story. The majority of the time salad is a healthy option but, most of the premade and bottled dressings have a ton of calories. Try mixing up your own simple dressing at home when making salad! Vegan baked goods. This doesn’t apply to all vegan goods, but make sure you are looking at the nutritional facts when you are choosing the vegan option to “be healthy”. Most vegan foods are loaded with tons more sugar and end up being 3X the amount of calories as the non-vegan option. Flavo...

These 4 Foods Accelerate AGING (beware!)

by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist & Catherine Ebeling - RN, BSN Authors of the best seller: The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging I have a brand new article for you today that is a MUST-READ if you want to protect your skin, organs, muscles, and joints from aging... I'm going to show you 4 common foods that you might be eating every day that can actually make you age FASTER... so beware of these: Do you eat these harmful foods that AGE you faster?  Some are even deceptively marketed to you as "healthy" by giant food corporations.  Avoid or minimize these and look 5-10 years YOUNGER than your real age. Due to biochemical reactions in your body that occur with every type of food you eat on a daily basis, some foods age you FASTER than your real age, while other foods help to FIGHT aging. Eat the wrong foods regularly, and you can look and feel 10 or more years OLDER than your real age (not fun!) ... but eat the right foods, and over time, you can star...

Are Vitamin/Mineral Supplements Necessary or Just Money Down the Toilet?

By Mike Geary, professional Fitness Trainer As a fitness professional, I receive questions about vitamins all the time. Questions like……What kinds should I take? How much? Should I take a multi or just a couple of the important individual ones like C, E, calcium, or zinc? Will they help me lose weight or build muscle? So with all the talk and hype about vitamin and mineral supplements…Are they really necessary for optimal health? The answer is a definitive…..HELL NO! That is, if you’re eating a balanced healthy diet, which most people don’t. Let me put it this way…a vitamin/mineral supplement probably will be somewhat beneficial to you if you have a poor diet. However, if you’re really serious about getting lean and ripped and truly healthy for good, why would your diet be poor? So, in the case that you’re eating a healthy, balanced diet, the answer is that you don’t need a vitamin supplement. Let’s think about this for a second. Did humans thrive on the plan...

Beware Of These Deadly Fatty Foods

1. Hydrogenated oils (source of artificial trans fats) These are industrially produced chemically altered oils subjected to extremely high pressure and temperature, with added industrial solvents such as hexane for extraction, and have a metal catalyst added to promote the artificial hydrogenation, followed by bleaching and deodorizing agents…..and somehow the FDA still allows this crap to pass as food. These oils aren’t even worthy of your lawnmower, much less your body! They’ve been linked to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more. Even small quantities of as little as 1 to 2 grams of trans fats/day have been shown in studies to be dangerous. For comparison, if you eat a normal order of fries at a fast food joint or any restaurant, you can easily get 5 grams or more of trans fats. Now if as little as 1 gram daily can be dangerous to your health, imagine what you’re doing to yourself with 5 grams…and that was only the fries! What about all of the cookies, cakes,...

I struggled for years with a fat belly, until I found this 1 secret.

There is a new secret to losing belly fat and build 6 pack abs nicknamed TruthAboutSixPackAbs "...I was running regularly and working out sometimes, but I was still getting fatter... Everything changed when I started your truth about abs program..." Hi, I had been talking about this program for MONTHS, saying "I'll get it next pay..."  Finally a friend of mine got sick of my procrastination and just bought it for me as a gift. I began the program on the 5th of February (about a month after my Dec 25th pic).  Its now 18th July and Im still going strong. So I thought I would send in my results so far. The Program is FREAKIN BRILLIANT!!! Before I started TruthAboutSixPackAbs program, I was running regularly and working out sometimes, but I was still getting fatter.... and fatter. I didn't really notice it until my friend took a photo of me at the beach. I was horrified!!!! I knew I had to do something about it, but I couldn...