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Showing posts from August 16, 2018

How to Become More Insulin Sensitive

Insulin resistance can carry significant health risks, as it is associated with type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular problems, among others. Taking steps to improve insulin sensitivity, especially for overweight individuals and those with diabetes can be an important step in improving overall health. Here are some key factors that may help to improve insulin sensitivity: Caloric Restriction Eating fewer calories is a well-established way to improve insulin sensitivity. “Calorie restriction reduces fat mass, delays the development of age-associated diseases such as type 2 diabetes, and increases lifespan in rodents. In obese humans, it is well established that calorie restriction, weight loss, and exercise improve insulin sensitivity,” researchers summarize. Research shows that after six months of a 25% caloric reduction, overweight patients were more likely to lose weight, fat mass, and fat cell size. In addition, the intervention group significantly reduced their fasti...