What is diabetes? My doctor advised me gliclazide. The sink is your diabetic body and the water is your blood sugar. Fundamentally, your drain is clogged and the water (blood sugar) is backing up. What has happened is that insulin (think drain cleaner) has stopped working. So, blood sugar has backed up and is overflowing. Right now your doctor is giving you that drug to try to put more drain cleaner (insulin) into this sink and hopefully at least start to get some of the sugar out of your blood and into your tissues where it belongs. I believe one of the best interventions that you can do for your diabetic body is to shut off the faucet. Stop your intake of carbohydrate foods that quickly resolve into glucose. Many people who choose this path end up with fairly normal blood sugars. If a patient has early diabetes type 2, how can it be cured? First you have be sure you really have the disease of Type II diabetes. There are people who have high blood sugars without the real ...
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