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Showing posts from January 12, 2017

3 Secrets To Successfully Sticking With A Weight Loss Program

Struggling to stick with your diet program? You aren’t alone. Millions of people worldwide start up and fall off diet programs every day. Why is it so hard to stick with something? Why they can’t carry out a plan once and for all? Often, it’s due to a few key mistakes they’re making along the way. Let’s take a closer look at three secrets that you need to know about sticking with a diet program. When you put these secrets into action, you’ll find it’s easier than ever to get the results that you are looking for. Get A Diet Buddy One word of advice: don’t go at it alone. Those who get a diet buddy to do a diet and experience the high’s and low’s with them tend to stand a much better chance of seeing success in the long run. If you can’t convince someone to do the diet with you, at the very least, find someone who will stand by your side and be there for support when you need it. You will hit a hard time, and during that hard time, it can really help if you have ...

Why diabetes has NOTHING to do with blood sugar

Why diabetes has NOTHING to do with blood sugar? Please read on... If you’re taking any kind of prescription drug to manage your diabetes (or even prediabetes)… STOP. RIGHT. NOW. [(Or at least until you’ve read this incredibly shocking (FREE) report.)] As unbelievable as this might seem… Your own doctor could be killing you with the very drug that’s supposed to save you from diabetes. And it’s all because they’re in bed with Big Pharma. Yes, the same Big Pharma you might have heard about… The conglomerate of pill pushers that run the healthcare industry like a cartel… Squeezing millions of dollars from hard working Americans to line their fat pockets… And even creating new diseases so they can milk those same Americans of their last dollar till they drop dead. Sure, that sounds ridiculously fantastical… Until you realize that everything your doctor knows about the drugs he recommends… Comes from the pharmaceutical companies who stand to gain BI...