What causes lower back pain? Most people don’t think of this major issue causing lower back pain. FYI. Every single day I encounter patients who are suffering from some form of stress related illness. They have typically been feeling this way for an extended period and have realized that it is not normal to feel tired, lethargic, moody, anxious and unmotivated. It is my role as a practitioner to find the cause of their symptoms and develop a plan to bring them the energy and vitality they rightfully deserve. Before we do this, we must identify what stress is and what forms it comes in. Stress is a word that is all encompassing and typically relates to your body being put under strain, tension or pressure. It manifests itself in both an internal and external manner. Some examples of external stress are financial concerns, family issues, a physical injury, poor work environment and challenges presented to your outer world. Internal stressors are related to physiological issues like e...
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