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Showing posts from January 31, 2018


Question from a reader (Lauren B): "A clinic next to where I live is offering a weight loss program based on "HCG" (injections) and I was wondering if it may be right for me. It seems too good to be true. How do you feel about it, Carissa?" My answer: I’m a natural skeptic. I want hard facts before I’m convinced that something is real. This is especially true when something sounds “too good to be true.” For example, I believe a lot of the diet programs out there should be approached with a healthy dash of skepticism. Marketers will use one gimmick after another to separate you from your money but, if you’re not careful, in the end you’re likely to be disappointed with the results. Even worse than throwing your money away you can, all too easily, leave yourself with a health problem. In my clinic here in Florida, I do use HCG to get some results with some patients. When I first started working as a nurse practitioner specializing in weight management, ...

Your Free Astrology 2018 - The Universe is trying to tell you something

Listen, there is a secret you need to know before you set a single New Year's resolution this year... It will help you massively boost your manifesting potential (and avoid needless struggle) in 2018. [ Can you guess what this secret is? ] It's in front of your nose, every single moment of every single day... But you pay little or no attention to it because you haven't been made consciously aware of it yet. Just like how you could swear, cross your heart and hope to die, that your dream car is one-in-a-million, until you put it on your vision board and see it EVERYWHERE. Yup, you know better than most, the Law of Attraction has a twin sister called the Law of Attention. So what is this secret you ask? Well, allow me to solve the riddle... Numbers. Yes, numbers. They appear all around you... The phone numbers you dial, the licence plate on the car in front of you, street signs, pin codes, a new calendar year (Happy 2018, btw!)... [ Even your name and...

Tonight's Full "Wolf" Moon (what you must know)

2018 is your year. Was 2017 the worst year ever? The cosmic cauldron of chaos is over... This is the moment you've been waiting for. 2017 is finally over. You might feel worn-out, battered and bruised after last year, and one could hardly blame you. It was a year of massive upheaval and uncertainty. A year that rushed by like a raging river, accumulating more and more power and momentum as it went, devouring everything in its path. Yet, here you are. You made it. You weathered the storm... [ And your personal numerology just might explain why. ] There's no doubt that 2017 was challenging for most... Disasters, disease, political turmoil, and a cosmic cauldron of turbulent astrological events that boiled over in December. First there was the 12/3 Supermoon in quick-witted Gemini, an air sign known for its restless nature... Then, on 12/17, the New Moon rose in the impatient sign of Sagittarius... And the cherry on top? Mercury, the pesky planet of commun...