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Showing posts from June 26, 2018

Weight Loss and Better Health through Raw Foods

by Christian Goodman Just a few decades ago, our ancestors have survived and even thrived on a diet of raw foods, mainly fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted seeds and grains, dried fruit and juices, rolled or flaked grains, with a few herbs and spices. During plentiful times, meat from animals and fish was included in their diet, but for the most part, it was just fruits and vegetables. Because of this, the women were lean and healthy, the men were muscular, and everyone engaged in daily activities such as walking and running. Everything rocked along rather well until somewhere, someone discovered fire, and thus we began the long downward spiral that ultimately led us to today’s ‘processed foods’. In just three generations, our society has taken a relatively healthy diet and while attempting to make it more appealing we’ve gotten off course, way off course. Nowadays, highly processed foods are more attractive and looks more appetizing, making it more marketable. Asi...

Discover Ways To End Your Insomnia Completely!

Is Insomnia a problem in your life? Do you spend sleepless nights staring at the ceiling and waking up every day feeling exhausted, and zombie like? Pills only help you to sleep, but they keep you in that zombie state. And you are left to struggle with insomnia all alone. You are left feeling powerless over your own body. Luckily for you, there is now a cure for that, and right now you are reading the most important letter of your life! I want to introduce to you a unique, new method that will put YOU back in control of YOUR own sleep! It works for 9 out of 10 insomnia suffers more effectively than sleeping pills – Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about side effects, lifestyle changes or relaxation or one of those hypnosis CDs! Click here to learn More >> Cure Insomnia In 25 Minutes This method I’m about to share with you has been studied and perfected by a natural health research expert from the Blue Heron Health News program, a natural health research website ...

Discover The Revolutionary New Method For Weight Loss!

Would you like to stay slim for the rest of your life —almost effortlessly? What if I told you that I have found a weight loss method that works with…no working out, No dieting, No colon cleanser, No supplements, pills or other medications, No surgery, No machines, No mind control or self-hypnosis, No repetition once you’ve retrained your body, your first thought would probably be that I’m crazy. Maybe even a liar. I don’t blame you. Since you’re reading these lines, you’ve probably tried every diet and work-out programs without success.  I’d say it’s about time you changed your whole approach, Christian Goodman, a well-known natural health researcher has discovered a revolutionary new method that teaches you how to burn fat more quickly and effectively. Be amazed at how fast your body adapts to Goodman’s techniques, all this at a click away. Check it out yourself Revolutionary Method For Weight Loss The Secret Of The Slim: Losing Weight Effectively! Do you diet for h...

Do You Know The Right Way To Lose Weight?

by Christian Goodman Let’s be honest here. You don’t seriously expect to lose weight in 3 weeks that took you 3 years to put on, now, do you? Well, for some they probably can but it will only be temporary. Losing weight in a slow, steady manner is the healthiest way you can do it, and it’s also the only way to keep it off for good. It needs more than just a diet plan, because those alone don’t work. It requires a shift in lifestyle. People often think that losing weight is hard because they want something that is quick, fast, and easy. You must remove those habits that made you overweight. And you must have more body movement. The word ‘exercise’ makes us cringe, most of the time. But it doesn’t have to be a task that you dislike and it doesn’t have to be something that occupies most of your time. You just need to move your body more. The more you do that, the easier it becomes and in time, you may actually come to look forward to it and truly miss it on those occasions...

The Hidden Truth About Cardio

How your daily gut busting routine may actually be preventing weight loss and pushing you closer to death In western cultures like ours, countries like the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada and other European nations, what’s the first thing that anybody thinks of or tells you whenever the idea of weight loss is brought up? You’ve got to hit the treadmill, exercise bike or the streets and burn those calories! On the surface of it, this makes sense, right? After all, you’re doing a lot of work and you’re sweating and breathing heavy. Surely running a few miles every day must be dissolving those unsightly LB’s like crazy, right? Would you be surprised to hear that this is actually wrong? No, I’m not crazy – let me lay it out for you… Yes, cardio does burn calories, it’s true. And yes, some cardio is good for you. Light cardio promotes a healthy heart and increases your endurance. On the other hand, though… heavy cardio actually begins to have the opposite effects. Before I get into ...

5 Easy Steps to an Ultimate Healing

Today's Health Topics: These 3 easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as today... (Do NOT let your family see you die from stroke or heart attack) This 3-step plan reverses type-2-diabetes in 28 days or less... (Never again pass on dessert because you're a "diabetic") Ease Inflammation and Arthritis... (transform your rusty joints into well-oiled machines within a month) Clean Out Clogged Arteries Without Dangerous Cholesterol Drugs... (Because Statins cause Dementia, Type 2 Diabetes… and even Heart Attack) Heal EM using this simple 5 minutes technique... (From your own home. No embarrassing doctors visits) ...

Please stop eating these 2 veggies! 🍆 🍄

This morning a friend forwarded me this......and I'm just shocked, this shocking secret has been proven successful with over 240,000 women… used this method to melt the ugly fat off their body, keeping it off for good… I repeat, this outrageous secret has been proven successful with over 56,000 women… who have used this to melt off ugly fat off their body immediately, keeping it off for good… without any sort of restrictive diet or exercise regimes or supplements! If you want to see results like this, then you need to follow these footsteps and AVOID the 2 veggies below. These transformations happened within a blink of an eye.. by AVOIDING These 2 Veggies And Lose 37IBS… People credits it all to eating this ONE fat-flushing food exactly an hour before bed. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s able to have such great results because it balances your insulin levels. Which is basically a hormone that determines how much fat your body stores. The lower your insulin levels, the be...

Your 6/28 Full Moon Forecast (change is coming!)

It's time for new beginnings. As we move into the second half of 2018, Thursday's Capricorn Full Moon signifies change and forward motion on the horizon. The ambitious billy goat that rules this magnificent lunation reminds us that there is only one way left to go this year - straight up! Especially when you release anything not serving your highest self once we enter July, a "9" Universal Month (7+2+0+1+8=18: 1+8=9). To help you navigate the energies of this transitionary week and head into the second half of 2018 stronger than ever, we've prepared a special personalized reading based on your full name () and date of birth (). GET YOUR 2018 FORECAST HERE → It's not too late to make 2018 your most abundant year yet. Don't let the next six months slip by as fast as the last. Your FREE Personalized Numerology Forecast analyzes your unique chart to uncover clues for igniting your abundance and taking back control of your destiny this year. If the firs...