by Christian Goodman Just a few decades ago, our ancestors have survived and even thrived on a diet of raw foods, mainly fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted seeds and grains, dried fruit and juices, rolled or flaked grains, with a few herbs and spices. During plentiful times, meat from animals and fish was included in their diet, but for the most part, it was just fruits and vegetables. Because of this, the women were lean and healthy, the men were muscular, and everyone engaged in daily activities such as walking and running. Everything rocked along rather well until somewhere, someone discovered fire, and thus we began the long downward spiral that ultimately led us to today’s ‘processed foods’. In just three generations, our society has taken a relatively healthy diet and while attempting to make it more appealing we’ve gotten off course, way off course. Nowadays, highly processed foods are more attractive and looks more appetizing, making it more marketable. Asi...
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