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Showing posts from March 30, 2018

How You Can Fix Your Back Pain Naturally

Good morning Happy Easter! Do you know what to do when back pain hits?  The 48-Hour Back Pain Rescue Guide shows you what to do. It gives you movements that you need to do in order to decrease your back pain, loosen up your back, release tightness in your muscles and get back to being pain-free. Rick Kaselj has used this program a number of times to overcome a back pain flare up in 48 to 72 hours. For example, a few months back, Rick was doing a barbell deadlift complex and tweaked his back. As the day went by, his back got worse and worse. He went to the guide and did the exercises in the guide for 10 minutes, a few times day. Every time he went through the exercises, the pain would decrease, movement would improve, tension would decrease and he could do more. By the fourth day, he was able to get back to the gym and do his workouts. Also in the guide Rick shows you the #1 exercise that you should do when back pain hits.  Along with the manual, there is a follow alo...

Can type 2 diabetes be reversed through weight loss?

Not happening. Skinny people get Type 2 as well. They really don’t understand the disease as much as they pretend. All they have is what passes as treatment and barely good treatment at that. The best thing you can do for yourself is to not need to use their treatment and keep your system on a regime so you know pretty much where your sugar levels are without testing. Sugar levels are created by the liver all day long in case we would take in enough sugar through our food our bodies would theoretically have enough sugar to feed the brain. Sugar is the only molecule that crosses the blood/brain barrier. The 2nd source of sugar is in what we eat and we really need to stop calling it sugar and start calling them carbohydrates. All simple sugars are carbs but not all carbs are simple sugars. By not eating table sugar and watch out for the milk sugar too our sugar levels tend to not spike which is why we need medication when we eat those spike laden items so that we keep the spike ...