Not happening. Skinny people get Type 2 as well. They really don’t understand the disease as much as they pretend. All they have is what passes as treatment and barely good treatment at that.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to not need to use their treatment and keep your system on a regime so you know pretty much where your sugar levels are without testing.
Sugar levels are created by the liver all day long in case we would take in enough sugar through our food our bodies would theoretically have enough sugar to feed the brain. Sugar is the only molecule that crosses the blood/brain barrier. The 2nd source of sugar is in what we eat and we really need to stop calling it sugar and start calling them carbohydrates. All simple sugars are carbs but not all carbs are simple sugars.
By not eating table sugar and watch out for the milk sugar too our sugar levels tend to not spike which is why we need medication when we eat those spike laden items so that we keep the spike lower and more controlled. So the ideal situation is to just avoid the carbs and then you probably can get away with a long acting insulin once a day or perhaps nothing at all. But that’s not realistic for most people. My belief is that it’s better to eat a complex carb than a simple carb and it’s better to eat the same everyday so we know how much insulin or medication we truly need.
So my agreement with the doctor is 60 gms of carbs per meal and for me those are mostly complex carbs not table sugar carbs but I do get a desire for table sugar and it’s just like a diet the more you deny yourself the more your body craves it so I try to give in up front and prevent a shopping trop that ends up with all kinds of bad foods when my body would’ve been happy just having a little sweat with my coffee.
Unfortunately the only people that I’ve been told have sometimes reversed Type 2 have had weight loss surgery and effectively don’t eat anymore.
As for a bit of a longer story on my lifestyle. I’ve never been obese and I don't’ have any diabetics in my family that I am aware of. When I went on disability from chronic pain I did eat poorly because it was the best I could do but hardly a reversal of an entire lifetime of living till I was in my late 40’s.
I had been prescribed a lot of steroids and then was put on morphine. I think both played a part in my Type 2 diagnosis and I’ve been told by Pain Specialist that people taking morphine seem to have a higher diabetic history while steroids tend to cause Shingles.
Related article: How to reverse Type 2 Diabetes
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written by Todd Clay, former Information Technology Project Manager (1999-2002)
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