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Showing posts from August 27, 2018

Why September Is A “Turning Point” Month For You

September's Magical Numerology = Big Changes Ahead Get your July forecast here >> Yesterday (8/26), a psychic and sensitive Full Moon in Pisces brought much-welcomed calming vibes to the Cosmos after an intense eclipse season, setting the scene for your “turning point” month ahead. September's numerology will ignite your transformative power and offer you a powerful glimpse at the gifts coming your way in 2019. A “2” Universal Month (9+2+0+1+8=20; 2+0 =2), September will amplify collaborative vibrations and invite you to unveil your inner wisdom. And, thanks to the magic of this 9th calendar month, the energy of your Personal Year will greatly intensify, Siong, reminding you of what you must do to make the most of 2018, before it's over. Find out what September has in store for you, based on YOUR Personal Year Number... GET YOUR SEPTEMBER NUMEROLOGY READING HERE → Read more >> Why September Is A “Turning Point” Month For You... September is a fa...

Exactly How Much Water Should YOU Drink

Imaging weighing yourself and you've gone up 3 pounds overnight... Actually this is NOT necessarily bad news... First, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE for those 3 pounds to be fat! In order to gain 3 pounds of fat in one day, you would need to consume more than 10,000 extra calories! What's more likely happening is you're retaining water. It means you are carrying extra water around in the tissue between cells. 50 to 60% of our total weight consists of water. Many people ask me why they are retaining water. Simply put, salty foods, excess sugars (carbs), and even dehydration can all trigger your body to carry that excess water weight! For women, water retention is always even more complicated. Most women know that retaining water weight during a certain point in our cycles is just part of life. The amount of water weight gained varies differently, even up to almost 10 pounds. Hormonal contraceptives also affect our water retention. Elevated cortisol levels are another...

5 Mindfulness Habits To Lose Weight Easily

Habits, busy lives, stress… This not only leads to the choices of what we eat, but HOW we eat. Mindful eating is becoming important, especially in a fast-paced society of on-the-go meals and convenience. It actually has its roots in Buddhist teachings with an aim towards enjoying the experience of eating versus just filling up your fuel tank. So what is being mindful? Being mindful is being in the here and now, in the moment. Mindfulness focuses on the very present, and not thinking about anything else that is going, especially anything negative. It’s avoiding all that clutter floating around in your head and focusing on exactly what is going on at this very moment. It is slowing down to think before you act. Mindful eating is being aware of the nurturing aspects of eating, rather than only eating impulsively because you are hungry. By paying attention to what your body really needs, you will find yourself making better food choices. You will gain awareness of how you can make ch...