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Showing posts from December 2, 2017

Find out how to AVOID Kidney Dialysis...

Original published by Heal Kidney Publishing at Hello friends, It's me here... And I am here to alert you to why it is critical to get expert help for yours or your loved one's worsening kidney problems like: - excess fluid retention - hypertension (high blood pressure) - toxin elimination problems - chronic fatigue - itching with no known cause - chronic insomnia - irritability - loss of appetite - nausea and vomiting - iron anemia - weakness and lack of stamina - bone softening, bone pain and weakness Please take action to halt progression of kidney disease -- before it is too late! *** FACT: Most people wait too long to get help for their kidney problems until it is too late -- and then they have stage 3 or 4 kidney damage so severe they end up on dialysis...OR WORSE! Don't let that happen to you or your loved one! KIDNEY DIALYSIS STATISTICS YOU SHOULD KNOW: Did you know that... * 1 in every 5 people during t...