by Jon Shore, Former Type 2 Diabetic, Psychotherapist at I was really addicted to sugar and carbs. I ate a lot of both every day. I did not exercise regularly as much as I should have and I was overweight. I also had to be on a medicine that caused insulin resistance and I had a genetic predisposition to Type II Diabetes. I was sweating all night and was very uncomfortable. So in March of 2017 I was diagnosed with diabetes with a blood glucose level of 14.5 (261). The endocrinologist told me that I would need to take medication and that I would have to live with this disease for the rest of my life. I watched my father suffer and die from diabetes. I saw him inject insulin every day and did not want to end up like this. So I did my own research. I saw a video of a TED talk on reversing diabetes. This gave me hope. I did a tremendous amount of research at that point and then committed myself to a strict Low Carb High Fat diet, LCHF. I did this diet as if ...
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