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Showing posts from November 21, 2017

Turkeys (Urgent)

In 3 days and if you live in the US, you're probably going to eat quite a lot of turkey.  Nothing wrong with "regular" turkeys, except that... You see... Chances are that the turkey you will eat on Thanksgiving Thursday is really no good. Like, no good at all.  Disgusting and scary, even . Seriously.  I don't mean to scare you but let me explain...  Though they are birds, turkeys can't fly. They used to, but decades of large-scale food production, along with breeding to achieve a big-breasted bird (pleasing our insatiable appetite for white meat), has driven the turkey of the Pilgrims to the verge of extinction. We, as consumers, have created a monster. And turkey factories have a name for it: "Broadbreasted White," a.k.a. the common supermarket turkey. This monster turkey with huge breast is the most popular variety in supermarkets and other food stores. During their short existence, the turkeys don't fly (wings are too s