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Showing posts from November, 2017

How Do I Get Him Back

This Article Created By Bob Grant Hi there, Breakups are one of the most painful and emotionally difficult situations you can go through... And it's especially painful and difficult when the breakup is HIS idea, not yours. You want him want to start fresh, and give it another try...but now he's shutting you out of her life. Perhaps he's ignoring you completely, or he told you she "just wants to be friends..." And you're racking your brain, trying to figure out WHY he suddenly turned so cold, and HOW to convince him to talk to you and try to work things out... In this situation, you CANNOT afford to make the same mistakes that most women make when trying to patch things up with their ex. My friend Bob Grant has coached a lot of women through this situation and helped them to not only win back the men they love...but to build new, happier, stronger relationships. Listen and see if you're maki...

How To Lose Weight? THIS Trick Sure Will Help

Article Contributed By Carissa Alinat of Hello friends; Carissa here. Let me know if you can relate to THIS somehow: My husband (a French chef) told me that growing up in the South of France, his mother would make a dish which I understand is a version of Pot Roast. Only she would choose beef with a lot of thick bones, and cook it in a lot of broth. Then she would reuse that “bone broth” the next day or even the day after that. That broth would be rich and nutritious (especially collagen!) because the meat, bones and all, would have cooked in it, along with delicious farm vegetables, and a few spices, including the fragrant clove. Now, that was in France and sometimes in the 70s (he’s MUCH older than me, he he! J), way before “bone broth” became such a trendy affair. Now bone broth is a popular superfood. Even celebrities like Kobe Bryant, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Salma Hayek are all drinking bone broth for its known health benefits. AND...

How Did A Seven Time Winner Win The Lottery 7 Times?

You're going to want to read this before tonight. It's pretty much a fact.  Everyone wants to win the lottery, everyone would LOVE the cash that comes with it... but few people have ever gone to the extremes I have, to find out HOW the darn thing works. I'm serious, even as a kid, I was obsessed with how things worked.  I remember getting a watch for my birthday and taking it apart, to see what made it tick.  Well, when I first started playing the lottery in the 80's... I remember thinking the same thing: how the heck does this thing work.  Once I won a decent amount of money... I was hooked.  Not so much on playing, but more on trying to beat the system and figure out "what made it tick".  And like I said, everyone I know WANTS to win the money.  But not many want to spend the years I did trying to figure it all out.  Thankfully, now you don't have to.  Simply by reading my Auto Lotto Process...

How To Build Your Back Muscles?

Here’s a tip for building your back: When training back, try to ensure you aren’t just going through the motions when performing exercises, try to feel each rep, squeeze those lats with every pull and control the negative. It is easier and less painful to tug at a bar with a shorter range, however it will be more beneficial to your growth getting as much range as possible. On a lat pull down for example, let those arms go all the way up (while keeping tension), let your lats flare out like a proud peacock, then squeeze them in until the bar reaches below your chin. I am not saying form must remain perfect throughout every set, allowances can be made if you go super heavy (within your means), but these allowances should not deviate from the staple guidelines of full range and controlled negatives. Be sure to download my Anabolic After Growth Guide with all my routines at Look, the fact IS that you are going to have to eat some hefty amounts of food if...

The Subconscious Eater (Part 1) You ARE What You Eat

By Brian Klepacki, MS, CISSN, CSCS Source: Everywhere you look it seems that nearly everyone has some sort of medical condition. I’m not talking about the big issues like cancer or AIDS, more so the smaller common stuff that we hear about almost everyday. This seems to be the norm these days as unfortunate as it is. But have you ever asked yourself why? Think of five people that are close to you. Now of those five, I’m sure you can think of at least one ‘condition’ or ‘issue’ that they are dealing with. It could be something like a skin disorder, chronic headaches, sleep apnea, a dysfunctional thyroid and the list goes on and on. And what about you? What are you currently dealing with? We all have something going on and it could just be part of the natural aging process. Even though this process is inevitable, choosing healthier lifestyles can slow it down with the right techniques and certainly becoming more aware of the food and beverages we consum...

Discover How to Lose Weight Easily and Properly

Source: This article was written by Carissa Alinat, a nurse practitioner, researcher, weight loss specialist, and published author, and she can show you how to finally take control of your body and health, and either lose weight, or maintain your ideal weight. Thousands of other women have already said, “Yes!” to a journey paved toward increased confidence, vitality, and the body they have been longing for. The path is yours to take. I’ll be alongside you. Huge topic and I can’t probably cover it all right here. But I can give you a LOT of information to help you lose the weigh you want to lose. In fact, it’s fairly easy. First, I actually wrote a pretty nifty Cheat Sheet just for you. Give us your email address and we’ll send it to you right away. The second thing you probably need to do is to have the right mindset. I talk about “Mindful Eating” a lot on these pages. That’s because actually realizing what, when, and why you’re eating the foo...

How To Pick A Diet Plan?

In all my years in the diet & fitness industry, I don’t think anyone has ever told me that they were looking for a way to lose weight slowly. In fact, most people that come to me about losing weight are looking for something that will produce results as fast as humanly possible. And I truly believe that the #1 reason that most diets fail is because they don’t produce results fast enough. Let’s face it…it’s no fun to spend hours at the gym, followed by small portions of food we can’t stand, day after day, only to see the scale drop just one pound during the week. For a diet to be successful, I truly believe that the diet must produce visible and significant results FAST. When the dieter sees real results quickly, he/she becomes more engaged. And when I can get the dieter engaged in the diet, it produces a “snowball effect” causing the results get better and better as the dieter gets leaner and leaner because of the results they are seeing on an everyday basis. The 2 Week Diet...

My Fat-Burning Grocery List (PRINT THIS)

One of the biggest struggles that folks have is knowing how to shop and choose the right foods when visiting the grocery store.  And while there are SO many choices and a TON of confusion at your local grocer, they've actually made it really EASY for you to shop, if you know what sections to visit, and which to avoid. In fact, I can get in and out of the grocery store with a full cart of fat-burning groceries in just 15 mins nowadays, simply because I know I'll NEVER even visit 90% of the store aisles on most visits. So, before we get into my exact grocery list, here's my EASIEST grocery store tip EVER: Shop the perimeter of the grocery store and avoid the middle aisles. That's it! Here's why it works: With few exceptions, the middle aisles of the grocery store are full of processed, packaged foods while the perimeter contains almost all of the whole, natural foods you'll need to stock up your fat-burning kitchen. Here's my usual routine when ...

3 Ways Sitting Is Killing Your Physical & Emotional Health

BULGING BELLY SYNDROME Wonder why your stomach still sticks out even though you’re hammering the core exercises every day? It's a common myth that bulging belly is due to weak abdominal muscles. The real cause is likely to be tight psoas muscles, which cause the lower back to curve pushing out the stomach. When the psoas works properly it pulls the abdomen back tucking the tummy in, giving you a strong, flat stomach. FAT LOSS INHIBITOR As the body's "fight or flight" muscle, your psoas is deeply connected to our natural survival instinct. It instantly tightens in moments of danger to either protect you (in a fetal position) or help you run, fueled by the release of adrenaline. However, if your psoas is constantly tight, it signals to the body you are in constant danger, leading to overworking of the adrenal glands. When this happens, your immune system suffers and your body automatically switches into fat storing mode in anticipation of danger. Can’t shift...

The Top 4 Gym Mistakes Causing Back Pain (and How to Fix Them)

By Injury Specialist & Kinesiologist Rick Kaselj, MS Expert Educator to Healthcare & Fitness Professionals It’s nearly impossible to go to the gym and NOT see someone doing an exercise or stretch incorrectly. Human nature begs us to reach out to these misguided lifters BUT we can’t solve every issue out there…it’s just not that easy. What I can do for you is focus on the most prevalent movements done poorly and explain how you can avoid these common mistakes. After working with thousands of people over the years, I’ve found the mistakes below to be the root causes of a majority of the lower back pain people who exercise are suffering with. The real trouble is that often times this “pain” begins as a subtle, nagging sensation and it’s ignored. Over time this once small, annoying pain becomes a monster that sidelines you from doing what you love. If you love weight training you’re not going to stop working out over something that doesn’t seem like a big deal.  Ho...

Here's Your Black Friday GOLF Special...

Today is Black Friday and I have an amazing special for you. But before you take advantage of the amazing offer I want to once again thank you. Thanks for all the emails and comments you send me thanking me for the tips and help you're getting from Consistent Golf. And I can't begin to tell you how awesome it is receiving email after email from golfers all over the world saying how much they're improving and enjoying playing golf more because of our simple, step-by-step improvement programs. And it's because of that I have put together the four main programs of the online Consistent Golf School into one downloadable package so that you can improve every facet of your game. These 4 programs (long, short, putting and mental games) have improved many golfers games, but the limiting factor has been a recurring charge to be a member of the online Consistent Golf School. But today, you can download lessons taught in The Consistent Golf School for one s...

Hi Ladies! 7 Chef Secrets You Need To Know

Hi Ladies- I compiled some really nifty tips for you, that will help you be more organized, faster, and more efficient as you prepare dinner for your family. Remember, you can control what goes into your body. Cooking for yourself or your family is your key to weight loss. And this will help tremendously. Every pro chef knows and uses these 7 simple secrets, and you and I can put this to great use in our home kitchen, so that we impress friends and family, eat delicious healthy food at the same time. SECRET #1 ==> SALT YOUR FOOD "Yeah, yeah, yeah" is what you're thinking. But I mean it: this may be the best cooking advice ever. In general, home cooks do NOT salt their food enough. Salt enhances everything so go ahead and go for it. And by the way, the table salt you'll use is not much of a concern for your health unless you have high blood pressure. Salt (sodium) in processed foods is what’s a concern. But table salt, no. SECRET #2 ==> REST YOUR MEAT...

Quelles Sont les Plus Grandes Raisons de l’Échec d’un Régime ?

Un régimeur lambda fait 4 à 6 tentatives de régime par an. Cela signifie clairement que le premier… et le deuxième… puis le troisième, n’ont pas rencontré de succès. C’est un cercle vicieux de démotivation qui leur font penser qu’ils ne peuvent pas réussir sans une volonté surhumaine. Vous êtes peut-être prêt à jeter l’éponge (bien trop grosse) du régime pour de bon. Ne le faites pas. Prenez une minute pour regarder les quatre raisons qui font que la plupart des régimes échouent, puis trouvez un programme de régime qui contourne ces pièges. Vous serez bientôt à nouveau en piste vers le succès optimal. Jetons un Å“il aux quatre facteurs clés : Apports Caloriques Irréels La méthode du « mode famine » ne vous prépare qu’à échouer. En consommant si peu de nourriture, votre corps va littéralement commencer à fonctionner au ralenti pour conserver son carburant. Lorsque cela se produit, vous vous trouvez sur le chemin d’une perte de graisse qui va stagner. Oui, ...

S’accrocher Comme un Bulldog — 3 Secrets Pour S’Accrocher À Votre Programme de Perte de Poids

Vous avez des difficultés à suivre votre programme de régime ? Vous n’êtes pas seul. Des millions de personnes dans le monde abandonnent des programme de régime chaque jour. Souvent, c’est dû à quelques erreurs clés qu’ils font au cours de leur voyage. Jetons un Å“il avisé à trois puissants secrets pour s’accrocher à votre programme de régime. Appliquez-les et observez les résultats que vous attendez. Ayez un Partenaire de Régime Un conseil : Ne vous lancez pas tout seul. Ceux qui ont un partenaire de régime vont traverser ensemble les hauts et les bas. Ils vont de ce fait avoir de meilleures chances de réussir sur le long terme. Si vous n’arrivez pas à convaincre quelqu’un de suivre le régime avec vous, trouvez au moins quelqu’un qui vous soutiendra et sera présent lorsque vous en aurez besoin. Vous aurez des périodes difficiles, et cela vous aidera vraiment d’avoir quelqu’un à vos côtés. Utilisez des Stratégies de Lutte Contre la Faim La faim est une autre ra...

Golf School For Download

 Have you ever been to a golf school? If you have you'll know they're not cheap.  If you haven't, they're not cheap! :-) It's about $2000 for a decent 2 day golf school.  That's outside the reach of many golfers, which is why I developed the online Consistent Golf School.  But there's been a problem with the school which I'll tell you about in a second. But first, the online consistent golf school has full, step-by-step programs to help golfers improve their long, short, putting and mental games. Many golfers have been a member of this online school for just $19.95 per month. Clearly that's a lot better than 2k! And the results golfers have achieved with these programs are remarkable (I've included some results below). But here's the problem with the school that's probably stopped a lot of golfers from benefiting from it, which is this... Golfers HATE Signing Up For Recurring Membership Sites! However, the on...