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Showing posts from March, 2018

Numerology: 🌕 Happy Blue Moon (your Angels arrive tomorrow)...

This morning at precisely 5:37am PDT, an incredibly rare Libra Full Blue Moon reached its pinnacle, casting light into the deepest corners of the Earth and bringing March to a glorious close. Libra energy creates beautiful balance and harmony and remains calm amidst chaos, confusion and uncertainty… And with Mercury Retrograde madness currently in full swing, this magnificent moon came not a moment too soon. → One could even say it's divine timing... Because it just so happens to be the eve of the most magical month of the year. That’s right, April is Angel Month at Numerologist and we’re kicking it off with a HUGE announcement TOMORROW that you don’t want to miss. Not only is April a “6” Universal Month (4/2018=4+2+0+1+8=15; 1+5=6), the number of love, but the #6 is directly linked to your heart chakra and loving Venus, planetary ruler of today's Libra Full Blue Moon! Coincidence? Not even a little... Love is the language of Angels, so expect April to be ov...

How You Can Fix Your Back Pain Naturally

Good morning Happy Easter! Do you know what to do when back pain hits?  The 48-Hour Back Pain Rescue Guide shows you what to do. It gives you movements that you need to do in order to decrease your back pain, loosen up your back, release tightness in your muscles and get back to being pain-free. Rick Kaselj has used this program a number of times to overcome a back pain flare up in 48 to 72 hours. For example, a few months back, Rick was doing a barbell deadlift complex and tweaked his back. As the day went by, his back got worse and worse. He went to the guide and did the exercises in the guide for 10 minutes, a few times day. Every time he went through the exercises, the pain would decrease, movement would improve, tension would decrease and he could do more. By the fourth day, he was able to get back to the gym and do his workouts. Also in the guide Rick shows you the #1 exercise that you should do when back pain hits.  Along with the manual, there is a follow alo...

Can type 2 diabetes be reversed through weight loss?

Not happening. Skinny people get Type 2 as well. They really don’t understand the disease as much as they pretend. All they have is what passes as treatment and barely good treatment at that. The best thing you can do for yourself is to not need to use their treatment and keep your system on a regime so you know pretty much where your sugar levels are without testing. Sugar levels are created by the liver all day long in case we would take in enough sugar through our food our bodies would theoretically have enough sugar to feed the brain. Sugar is the only molecule that crosses the blood/brain barrier. The 2nd source of sugar is in what we eat and we really need to stop calling it sugar and start calling them carbohydrates. All simple sugars are carbs but not all carbs are simple sugars. By not eating table sugar and watch out for the milk sugar too our sugar levels tend to not spike which is why we need medication when we eat those spike laden items so that we keep the spike ...

Breaking down cellulite treatments and sucking out the myths

Cellulite is lumpy, dimpled flesh that most often develops on the thighs, hips and buttocks. Cellulite forms just below the skin when fibrous connective cords that tether the skin to the underlying muscle break, stretch or pull down, while fat cells accumulate and push up against the skin. The reason some people develop cellulite and others do not isn’t clear. Women are much more likely than men to have cellulite, and it tends to run in families, so genetics may play a role. Cellulite is more common in people who are overweight and in older adults. It doesn’t pose any health risks, and it doesn’t need to be treated. But if the appearance of cellulite bothers you, there are a few therapies that may help. A procedure that doesn’t involve surgery called cryolipolysis has been approved by the US Food And Drug Administration (FDA) to reduce the appearance of cellulite. It uses cold therapy to freeze the lipids in fat cells, causing the cells to die. Not everyone sees benefits fro...

There might be a cure for diabetes

Yes, it is possible to reverse diabetes. All it requires is a structured nutrition plan, sufficient exercise and proper support. Sounds simple enough, and indeed, this is what any doctor worth their salt will be advising their diabetic patients to do. Says consultant endocrinologist Dr Zanariah Hussein: “Diabetes type 2 is a progressive disease where the blood glucose keeps climbing up with time. “So, to combat this, doctors need to impart advice on diet, physical activity, as well as medication. “And we realise that the need for all this increases as the duration of the disease increases – the need for intervention, the need for medication goes up.” Associate Professor Dr Osama Hamdy, who is the Obesity Clinical Program medical director for the Joslin Diabetes Centre in the United States, explains why. “You’d be surprised that only a few kilograms of weight gain can create the entire problem if that person has the genes and the family history for diabetes,” he says. O...

Learn piano online here - Piano For All

Most people don’t really want to ‘learn’ to play the piano or ‘practice’ the piano, they just want to ‘play’ piano. ‘Play’ sounds like fun, ‘practice’ sounds like a chore. We get this image from childhood – some kid stuck indoors ‘practicing’ scales while all the other kids are outside the window ‘playing’. So, first thing we need to do is to see our piano practice in a new light. See it as a way of accelerating the learning process so that SOON you’ll be able to ‘play’ piano and play it well. If you don’t practice and you just play old familiar tunes you move rather slowly. Yes, you’ll get better at playing those old familiar tunes but technically you won’t be pushing yourself to greater heights. Proper, structured piano practice helps you stride forwards. I say ‘proper’ because a lot of people have an idea that practice IS just playing songs over and over. Practice needs to involve unchartered territory. The golden rule is – ‘practice what you CAN’T play, not what you CAN pla...

Back Pain Natural Remedy That Really Works!

I’ll never forget the day my back pain started… I was only 15 years old and was playing basketball when I took a nasty fall and injured my spine. Actually, I broke a small bone on one of my vertebrae. From that point on, back pain was a constant part of my life. To someone who’s never suffered with chronic and debilitating back pain, it’s hard to explain just how awful the feeling is. To wake up, every single day of your life and never have the opportunity to really feel good… well, it’s really something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. And yet, thousands and thousands of people endure pain like this day in and day out. For them, there’s no escaping it no matter what they try. I was one of those people, for many years. In an effort to find relief for my pain, I tried just about every available therapy and treatment there is. I tried massage therapy, pain medicine, acupuncture, ultra sound, electric stimulation, the “sheets of exercises,” yoga, chiropractic, pilates, a ...

Where fat goes when you lose weight

The world is obsessed with fad diets and weight loss, yet few of us know how a kilogram of fat actually vanishes off the scales. Even the 150 doctors, dietitians and personal trainers we surveyed shared this surprising gap in their health literacy. The most common misconception by far, was that fat is converted to energy. The problem with this theory is that it violates the law of conservation of matter, which all chemical reactions obey. Some respondents thought fat turns into muscle, which is impossible, and others assumed it escapes via the colon. Only three of our respondents gave the right answer, which means 98% of the health professionals in our survey could not explain how weight loss works. So if not energy, muscles or the loo, where does fat go? The enlightening facts about fat metabolism The correct answer is that fat is converted to carbon dioxide and water. You exhale the carbon dioxide and the water mixes into your circulation until it's lost as urine or ...

April Is Angel Month!

That's right, April is Angel Month here at and we couldn't be more excited! April is a "6" Universal Month (4+2+0+1+8=6), the number of love, healing and protection. For 30 full days, we'll be sharing with you divine guidance and wisdom from your guardian angels so you can welcome in more joy, abundance and love then ever before... and it all starts with a HUGE announcement on April 1st! Until then we'd like you to meet the Universe’s four most powerful winged messengers. These Archangels are always in your corner, waiting in the wings to guide you in the times you need it most. Check out our video below to hear the powerful hidden clues your Angels are leaving you. Discover your 4 Archangels & their hidden messages for you... → How To Connect With Your 4 Archangels & Decode Their Hidden Messages For You...   Finally! Angel Month is almost here! We'll be kicking it off with a MASSIVE announcement on April 1st but we j...

Use this sneaky ‘reverse psychology’ trick on your ex

Did you know you can use a simple 'Reverse Psychology' technique to make your ex want you back? If you want to see how well this sneaky method actually works, just watch this very short video : The reason this technique is so incredibly powerful is because it's based on proven psychological principles, and it all happens subconsciously your ex is literally powerless to resist it. That means that it works even if your situation is desperate and your ex isn't responding to conventional methods. Just watch the video to see how it all happens 'Under the Radar'... If you click the link above and watch the video, I'm sure you'll agree that this is both extremely sneaky and extremely effective...

Oprah, Ellen & You

Every day, thousands of people use hypnosis to change their lives. Oprah. Samuel L. Jackson. Ben Affleck. Ellen De Generes. Drew Barrymore. Jessica Alba. Fergie. Lily Allen. Geri Halliwell. David Beckham. Tiger Woods. Kevin Costner. Sylvester Stallone. Orlando Bloom. Ashton Kutcher. Kate Moss. Eva Mendes. They've all publicly spoken about how they've used hypnosis to dramatically improve their lives and brain power. Even the Royal Family are in on the act. Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, and even the Duchess of York have each claimed that hypnosis is something of a "secret weapon." In fact, Matt Damon said to Jay Leno that using hypnosis was "the greatest decision I ever made in my life." It'll be your greatest decision too. It's time to turbo-charge your brain power. Click here to download the Brain Power Hypnosis Bootcamp. (Remember: It's fun, powerful, and 100% risk-free.) To your success --

The Hard Truth About ED – Everything You Need to Cure ED is in Your Pants

Suppose I walked up to you and told you that everything you need to cure ED is in your pants. Suppose I went further and said that you can cure ED without any medications – and that all it requires is a few minutes of your time every day, for a few weeks. Absolutely no medications, no doctor’s appointments. Suppose I added that the process is as simple as ABC. You’d say you didn’t believe me, wouldn’t you? That’s what I said when I first learned about this easy method of curing ED   until I looked into the sound, scientific principles behind it. You see, there are these erectile mastery exercises that have been created after years of painstaking research into why some men have trouble getting erections – and maintaining them. The exercises give you an almost effortless cure to ED. The method works because it’s based on your body’s natural ability to heal itself through applied movement. Your penis and pelvic area have muscles which, if exercised in the right way, can elim...

Drop High Blood Pressure Below 120/80 - TODAY!

Going to the website below, you'll learn three easy exercises so effective that even if you have suffered from life-threatening hypertension for years, you can bring it down to 120/80 – as soon as TODAY! Plus, they take very little time – just 9 minutes. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent… - stroke - heart attack - kidney failure - impotence …just to name a few conditions – caused by high blood pressure – you will avoid using these exercises! Bringing your blood pressure below 120/80 eliminates any need for blood pressure medications – so you’ll never have to suffer the horrendous side effects again. Every single brand of blood pressure drug creates serious side effects. The sad fact is, so do herbal medications. And the cost of buying pills these days is horrendous. The Solution Is Simple! Try these easy exercises now and naturally drop your blood pressure as soon as today. There are NO side effects and NO extra medical costs. To learn more and t...

Get Expert Dating and Relationship Advice for Men and Women Here

A new website by Andrew on dating and relationship - Meet Your Sweet Tips and guidelines . This guide is appropriate for everyone who’s hoping to meet the love of their life. With this guide, you will see there is no reason for you to go to the bar to search for a soul mate, dating sites and social media is also not the ideal place to get someone to love for the long term either. All this you will learn in the guide. Meet Your Sweet is the most basic as well as the most decent and straight forward guide for both men and women who are looking for someone whom they want to settle down with. If you are tired of one night stands and weekly dates that accumulate to nothing, then this is the product for you. Nicknamed the ‘Love Guru guide’ Meet Your Sweet covers a broad range of tips that help all genders know what to look out for and implement while looking for the ideal soul mate. Moreover other than getting the tips from the e-books, anyone who signs up for the newsletter, they...

Your Cellulite may be caused by these food ingredients...

Previously we mentioned ‘chemicals’ in our tip to get rid of cellulite and we got some email questions about other chemicals and cellulite. So, we are sending this tip to everyone - in case you are wondering about the same thing... There are so many packaged foods that have chemicals in them - which for health and beauty purposes should be avoided - especially if you’re a woman (remember women have delicate and sensitive hormone systems). Food additives and chemical sweeteners can negatively impact a woman’s hormones. And the hormones are responsible for skin tone, skin texture and firmness & shape. There is also an effect on body-fat and flab. All this is directly related to the appearance of cellulite on the lower body trouble-spots and problem areas... So, you want to avoid as many food additives and chemicals as possible - and you can easily do this by choosing fresh & natural foods, and by knowing which harmful ingredients to avoid when choosing packaged foods. H...

The Most Satisfying Videos In The World

Here I present to you The Most Satisfying Videos In The World Have you ever seen something that makes your skin tingle and for some unknown reason provides you with a sense of unbridled peace and happiness? Gears working in perfect synchronization, a cake frosted with absolute precision, mouth-watering chocolate, balls of fish and marbles rolling so smoothly it hurts. Something that is just...satisfying? Well here's exactly Thirteen solid minutes of that feeling. Don't forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe & Share! ✔ I am not claiming these clips as my own.

Don't buy solar panels before seeing THIS

As we speak this video has become viral and has taken the energy world by storm. A stubborn old man (Harold T.) discovered quite by accident how to power-up his house with solar energy for less than $98... For LIFE! Unfortunately he passed before seeing his great achievement tearing down the energy Ring. But you can see it right here: >> Smart Solar Box << Harold discovered a crazy way to tweak a solar system with incredible results. and harvest the sun's power the cheap way. Actually... 200 times cheaper than any classic array! All came down to him back in 2014 during the Wisconsin blizzard... and this invention saved many lives. Its all right here: >> Video Here << The news is spreading like wildfire. Tv reporters are trying to find who this guy is... and get a statement... but his son preferred to expose everything only here on this: >> VIDEO <<

How to start a drop shipping business?

As you probably know, AliExpress is an extremely popular retail platform, whose order volume exceeds that of Amazon and eBay combined. And AliExpress' prices are so low that you can multiply them by 10 and still have the best offers in your market. No wonder that so many online entrepreneurs are keen to start a drop shipping business with AliExpress. And today starting online dropshipping business is easier than ever. Because there is this AliDropship Plugin ! It's the unique WordPress based solution to assist with the creation of AliExpress drop shipping stores and easy importing of Ali products. You can have your own webstore built in minutes. This tool is so easy to manage, that even a kid can launch a drop shipping store with its help! Key benefits of AliDropship plugin: - Affordable price with no limitations - Fully compatible with WooCommerce - Simple and user-friendly interface - Easy product search and instant upload - Live stats and auto updating - Buil...

How To Fix That Dark Under Eye Circles & Improve Eye Aging

Today's post is an interesting look at research on how to get rid of "dark under eye circles" from my article source, Dr. John Layke.  I'll be back soon with some brand new and interesting health and nutrition blogs and articles that you don't want to miss, so be on the lookout for those this week. If you suffer from dark under eye circles you are not alone. Embarrassing dark circles are something that almost all Americans suffer from at some point, many of which suffer with dark under eye circles on a daily basis. Dark circles are the #1 teller of age. They're the one sign of eye aging that can be seen from far away, and can be one of the hardest to cover up. When you have dark circles you look older than you really are, and look like you may have had a bad night of sleep. In fact puffy, saggy under-eye bags don't just make you look years older — they actually distort the appearance of your face. You may have even noticed in the mirror how muc...

Yogurt & Diabetes

Article by Mike Geary Dairy is a confusing topic for many people, and so many "gurus" out there make things even more confusing with contradicting advice for the average person simply trying to eat healthy and improve their health.  But in this email, I want to briefly talk about yogurt and the effect on your blood sugar and a few studies in relation to type 2 diabetes as well... In a report published in 2014, by Frank Hu, a Harvard researcher, included about 459,000 participants in 3 studies, and showed that yogurt intake was associated with a 17% reduction in type 2 diabetes risk. However, it's important to note that the type of yogurt must NOT be sugar-sweetened or artificially sweetened yogurt... It's vitally important to eat PLAIN, FULL-FAT yogurt (grass-fed preferably) for the most benefits. Sweetened yogurts will do more harm than good, but a good plain full-fat yogurt has relatively low amounts of natural sugars, while also containing high quality prot...

Viral Cash App Review 2018

Are you searching for a review on Viral Cash App? This product got recently released by Matthew Neer containing a training module which shows you how to find YouTube videos and then post them on a communal website hoping for it to go viral and have thousands of visitors. The content you share has advertisements and product placements, embedded with your affiliate links, which then people click on when they come to your pages. The idea is that you share these videos and pages on social media and when people visit and view the video they will be tempted to click on the adverts and product placements. VIRAL CASH APP review I base this review on my experience after I purchased it and worked through the training material provided. This is what I think of Viral Cash App: Is Viral Cash App A Scam? No, this service is not a scam as such - however it is my opinion that it is of very low quality. The sales page promises easy money and has the usual hyped up theme to it. This m...