March 14th is Pi Day!
That's right, in just 2 days (3/14), we celebrate the infamous number 3.14159265359, or 3.14 for short ;) But that's not all this magical month has in store for us. Is March 14th the nerdiest of all holidays? Why Pi day Is Numerology’s Favourite Day?
On 3/9, Jupiter went retrograde in Scorpio (introspection time), and on 3/17 the Pisces New Moon rises, inspiring you to find completion, closure, and gratitude.
This sequence of events will perfectly prepare you for when Aries bursts onto the scene on 3/20, marking the Equinox and the start of a new astrological year! Now's the time to take a step back, breathe, and think deeply about what you want and where you see yourself in the future.
Get started by exploring the mysticism and magic of Pi →
Normally consigned to the exercise books and calculators of math geeks, scientists and high school students, on March 14th the incredible, irrational and infinite number Pi hits the big time!
If you can remember it from school, Pi (also known as Ï€) then you’ll know it’s the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. So for any circle you can imagine, of any size you can imagine, if you divide the length around it by the length across it, the answer will always be Ï€.
It starts of like this: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749
445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066……and it goes on and on and on…
It’s “irrational” because it never ends and it never repeats – it is one of life’s genuine mysteries, but also one of its basic, most essential principles. Because when you begin to get up close and personal with life, you realize it exists in everything – everything which contains circles and rhythms which here on Earth, is, pretty much all of it!
In just two days we celebrate Pi Day on March 14th! This special day invites you to celebrate math and the beauty and magic of numbers. In our special Pi day post, you'll learn why 3.141592653... is so special and some incredible Pi-inspired artwork.
Discover the magic behind Pi here ➨
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