The Danger Of Toxins In Our Body
In this post, I am going to be sharing with you about one shocking finding as revealed in a prestigious medical journal, Lancet which recently proved that environmental toxins do indeed make people fat and can cause people to get diabetes [ref: Jones OA, et al (2008). Environmental pollution and diabetes: a neglected association. Lancet. 26;371(9609):287-8.].
The studies explained that, there inside our body, these environmental toxins unleash cascade of dangerous events that can disrupt our body ability to effectively balance the blood sugar level and metabolism. These environmental toxins also destroy the delicate balance of bacteria that present in our gut. These toxins also influence the genes whithin our fat tissue which allow them to create new fat cells. As this process goes on, the new fat cells then fill up with more fat and toxins leading directly to a greater risk of causing us to getting diabetes type 2.
These toxins also pose a serious threat to our thyroid gland by disrupting the effectiveness of thyroid hormone utilization throughout our body, which can further impairs our chances of losing weight. These are just a few of these toxins dangerous effects.When you combine them all, it is easy to see why these toxins are making us fatter and sicker than ever.
And in this post, I am going to share with you about you can reverse the damage and purge these deadly toxins out of your body, so you can effectively trim off those stubborn fat and enjoy radiant health in less than 30 days...with nothing more than a simple diet program known as "Detox Diet" that focuses on simple foods you can easily get from nearby grocery store.
This Detox Diet program was designed by Yuri Elkaim, a registered holistic nutrisionist & renowned health expert. He has been recognized as the best selling author of The All-Day Energy Diet by New York Times and USA Today in 2014. He had helped more than 500,000 people to achieve incredible health and vitality with simple shifts and make the complex world of health a simple one. You probably had seen him featured in Dr. Oz show and recently featured in The Doctors show discussing some of the very eye-opening health topics which are also contained in the Detox Diet program.
How Our Body Is Under Constant Toxins Attack
Our body is under constant attack from pesticide. As you already know, pesticide is a poison.This poison is designed to kill and destroy insects and pests. Pesticides contains chemical known as organophosphate, which is the key component used in nerve gases like sarin gas. So pesticides was designed to kill insects by damaging their nervous systems, irreversibly blocking a particular enzyme that is critical for nerve function. And it cause the same effect in humans body too. Pesticides are used by food production companies to increase yield of their crops. So what? We and our family end up eating nerve poison every single day. Our body is under constant attack from pesticides poison.
Pesticides are able to withstand months without being washed off by rain water. Fruits and vegetables often waxed over pesticides and so they can't be washed away easily, but the problem is you and me end up eating it.
What is the proof?
The Environmental Working Group published a study known as "Overexposed - Organophosphate Insecticides In Children' Food"... revealed that 13% of all the conventionally grown apple, 7.5% of all pears and 5% of all grapes in the US food supply expose the average child to unsafe levels of pesticides.
It was also found that everyday, 9 out of 10 American children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years are exposed to 13 different neurotoxic pesticides in the food they eat. These pesticides rarely cause visible illness, but they do have the potential to cause long term damage to the brain and human nervous system.
By the way, pesticides don't just enter our body through the foods we eat. A survey conducted by US Geological Survey found that pesticides also polluted every stream they sampled, and more than 90% of all wells, even rain water and ground water. So, every time we drink water, we probably also drinking nerve poison too.
That is why we must realize by now, that Our body is under constant attack from pesticides poison every single day.
What Could Be The Result Of All These?
Toxicity at certain level can lead to problems like impaired memory and concentration, disorientation, severe depression, confusion, headaches, insomnia, nausea, exhaustion and fatigue. In children, pesticide toxicity can lead to delayed learning rate, impaired physical coordination and mental development. This is documented in Extoxnet's "Pesticide Information Profiles" report.
People who are exposed to 2 type of common pesticides are about 2.5 times more likely to develop Parkinson's disease. Another study has linked pesticide exposure to increased risk of Alzheimer's disease.
What about artificial food additives which are found in almost all packaged food products? Food production companies uses artificial additives to enhance food shelf life and make their products smell, taste, look perfect and of course to drive profitability to the maximum.
One of the most commonly used additives is known as BHA. It is a waxy solid that is used in food, packaging, animal feed, cosmetic and rubber. Oh ya it is also used even in petroleum. These BHA is considered as carcinogen. But why is this chemical is still exist in almost every packaged food product we and our family eat everyday. Even though carcinogen is known to cause cancer?
Next is, what about those genetically modified foods? Close to 90% of corn is the US has been genetically modified and no way you can tell which corn. So you have no idea if what you are eating is natural or man made. The biggest producer of genetically modified corn in the US is Monsanto. A study by University of Caen created a storm not long ago because of the finding that suggested that rats fed Monsanto’s corn developed tumors, and suffered from premature liver death and kidney damage, and died dramatically faster than rats that were not feed this genetically modified corn. If people knew how much these chemicals damage our body… they’d be outrage!
Too Much For Our Liver
Our body is being bombarded with so much toxic junkfrom the foods we eat, the water we drink, the cosmetic products we use, the air we breath and countless of other sources of toxins. But our liver can't get rid of all the toxins fast enough. This lead to a situation where all just piles up, and piles up every day, months and over years. That is why we feel lethargic and continuing struuggling with nagging health problem. Our liver is in dire need of help, extra help to help expedite the cleansing process of the body.
Our liver just can't cope. The bottom line is, our body was not designed to digest all these artificial ingredients and poisons. Our liver just could not cope with this. It is this chronic toxicity that is behind most of the health problem we are experiencing today.
What about eating organic or at least sticking to a healthy diet program, will that help? It will surely help but is actually not enough. Because all those years and years of piled up toxins inside your body is still trapped, and it’s still leaking into every inch of your body, infecting all the tissue and muscles. It all needs to be flushed away. The toxins have to be removed. That is for sure.
What Is The Fix?
There is no magic fix. But we still need to flush away all the toxins that have been polluting our body for years. And stop them coming back again with a vengeance! We need to detoxify our body, and get rid of all these toxins. But be careful, because most detox programs actually can be damaging to your health — in the long term.
And what about all those “Hollywood” detoxes…which you have probably seen on TV, or read in a celebrity magazine? Or even those magic detox pills… spicy lemonades… or herbal cleaning shakes? Sure. They do flush toxins from your body — at least for a little while. But they’re mostly unsafe and definitely unhealthy. And they provide absolutely no nutritional value.
And so, eventually, your body will force you to ditch them. They are simply not sustainable.
The only way to completely protect your body from these toxins and heal yourself, is to use a food-based cleansing program. One that gives your body all the vital nutrition it needs, while also flushing out all the toxins that should not be given a place in our body. That is the only detoxification we can actually sustain. But unfortunately, there is no such a detox product currently exist in the market out there.
![The Red Tea Detox](
We detoxify and cleanse for health, vitality, and rejuvenation. We cleanse our body to clear symptoms, treat disease, and prevent future problems. A cleansing program is an ideal way to help you re-evaluate your life, make changes, or clear abuses and addictions. Withdrawal happens fairly quickly, and as cravings are reduced you can begin a new life without old addictive habits or drugs.
Detoxification is also helpful for weight loss, although this is not the primary purpose. The body stores toxins in fat cells. When you cleanse your body these toxins are more easily released from their fat stores. Since you then become less toxic, your toxin stores (the fat) are not as necessary and, thus, your body can rid itself of excess, unnecessary fat.
Weight loss also occurs on a cleanse simply because there are fewer calories being consumed. Since weight loss boils down to creating a caloric deficit, eating less overtime is a simple way of losing weight. We also detoxify and cleanse to rest and heal our overloaded digestive organs. This is often an overlooked, yet very important, area considering optimal health truly begins with the health of our digestive system.
Aside from the internal health benefits, detoxification can also be a great catalyst for external change. For instance, it can provide a great opportunity to reflect and re-evaluate what's most important to you. It can serve to help you cleanse your house, your work, your relationships. After a cleanse, you will even feel more organized, more creative, more motivated, more productive, more relaxed, and more mentally focused and clear.
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