Did you know that diabetes is much about a debilitating and potentially deadly disease. This disease can run rampant through our diabetic body, eventually thrashing our blood vessels in our limbs, until it practically cut off the circulation to our legs. The doctor often make it clear that if they don't amputate, our legs would rot like spoiled meat.
We don’t want you or any of us to go through the same horrifying experience that had happened to so many diabetics already.
But now, let us do some research homework. From my quick research, I’ve uncovered some eye-opening information — even more shocking facts. But I have also found some promising hope for folks like me, folks who have diabetes like me. I had been diagnosed in year 2012 as type 2 diabetic.
Now, a lot of people who act like I did when I got diagnosed with diabetes. We like to let the statistics go in one ear, and then out the other. But this is important really. That is because every single person who is represented in these statistics is someone just like you and me. A mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a son or daughter. Grandparents. Friends. Neighbors. Coworkers. Loved ones. You. Me.
We never think one day we are going to become a statistic tomorrow or in near future. But that is what exactly this horrible disease does to people like us. Even more distressing, 1 in 4 don't even know they had diabetes until it was too late. But the worst of all is amputation is not even the most dangerous part of uncontrolled blood sugar... You may or may not know...
...diabetes also leads to Alzheimer’s, dementia, heart failure, and cancer. But it doesn’t end there...
A study that was published in the medical journal Neurology has found that this killer diabetes can “almost doubled the risk of dementia.”
Your glucose-packed blood constantly rushes through your brain, adding to the buildup that causes Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. When I read that, I had trouble not imagining it happening inside my own brain.
Here is the thing...
When you find that you have excess glucose, your blood stream will becomes like a nutrition-packed smoothie for cancer or tumors tissues to grow, which will be helping them to grow and grow at a deadly speeds. That is the reason why the Cancer Research Center has warned people around the world that up to eighty percent of all cancer is at least partially caused by the imbalanced blood glucose and insulin.
But it doesn’t end there...
I like to find article about diabetes anywhere I could get a reading materials. As I kept reading about my disease, it only got worse in my head.
I came across an article that about one study that showed that if you have diabetes, your risk of heart attack is 11 times higher than the average person. At my age, I already had to worry about heart attacks. It was terrifying to learn that my risk was so much higher than I thought.
In another article it said that diabetes can increases your risk of having a stroke by 150%. And you know what? During a stroke, this monster diabetes can makes it even harder for blood to get to your brain.
For most ordinary people, a stroke has only about a 17% chance of being fatal...
But if you are diabetic like me, a stroke is a 99% death sentence.
I did not Type 2 Diabetes was that bad, but it was not until I found these stats that I realized just how deadly of a situation I was in. So if high blood sugar and Type 2 Diabetes are so deadly...why do most doctors prescribe treatments that only manage the symptoms... while ignoring the real cause of the disease?
Especially when new research has uncovered the real cause of diabetes, and provided a simple solution that can help to “jumpstart” our body’s blood glucose regulation system!
I am now keen to share this, I want to tell you the story of my own diabetes battle, and show you the new scientific discoveries you can use to restore your healthy blood sugar and even reverse your Type 2 Diabetes.
It’s all thanks to a rogue diabetes researcher named Dr. Roy Taylor, who solved a decades-old medical mystery.
In hospitals all over the world, some diabetics people were naturally reversing their Type 2 Diabetes without realizing it and no one had the clue how and why.
That is, until Dr. Taylor found the answer, and changed diabetes treatment as we know it forever.
This new solution works by “jumpstarting” your pancreas – the part of your body that keeps your blood sugar levels healthy, keeping away insulin resistance.
With this “pancreas jumpstart solution” that I am going to be sharing wiht you, you will be able to reverse your Type 2 Diabetes, sharply reducing or even eliminating your need for medication.
Because when you jumpstart your pancreas, you will be able to cure your diabetes...
Without losing your favorite foods...
Without getting drenched in sweat and gasping for breath from exhausting workouts...
And without needing impossible levels of self-control...
After you discover how to jumpstart your pancreas (which will be showing in this video presentation)...
- ...you’ll be free from annoying insulin shots and painful finger pricks...
- ...you’ll say goodbye to medicines that make you fat and nauseous ...
- ...you’ll stop worrying about early death, amputations, and risky surgeries ...
- ...your painful, tingling neuropathy in your feet, hands, and everywhere else in your body will fade away...
- ...you’ll remove the stress of wondering when your vision will completely fail, leaving you blind for the rest of your life...
- ...you’ll break free from the anxiety of constantly monitoring your blood sugar, watching jealously as other people eat your favorite foods...
- ...and you’ll never again feel like a burden on your family and friends.
Listen, it’s not your fault you have this monster disease......and it’s not an issue of skinny or fat. Once you know the real cause of Type 2 Diabetes, you’ll sharply reduce or even eliminate your need for medication.
Fat deposits around the pancreas are the primary cause of the disease.
See, the pancreas produces insulin, the hormone that helps your body absorb blood sugar. That means the pancreas is the organ responsible for keeping your blood glucose levels normal. It’s a precise job – not enough insulin, and your blood sugar will skyrocket.
When fat deposits form around the pancreas, it throws everything out of whack. That fat squeezes and invades the pancreas, preventing it from producing enough insulin, and increasing your body’s insulin resistance.
That means your bloodstream gets less insulin, and the insulin that’s actually there can barely do its job of helping your body absorb blood sugar.
These fat deposits keep your blood glucose levels dangerously high, making you develop Type 2 Diabetes.
Dr. Taylor realized that for the gastric bypass patients, their Type 2 Diabetes disappeared because the fat deposits around their pancreas disappeared.
Get rid of the fat deposits, and you get rid of Type 2 Diabetes.
Remember, the surgery doesn’t touch these fat deposits. So the mystery continued: What was dissolving these fat deposits?
Finally, in early 2012, Dr. Taylor discovered the answer.
Everyone that goes through gastric bypass surgery is given a temporary mealplan to follow.
This meal plan has the exact fats, sugars, carbs, and essential vitamins and minerals to attack and destroy those fat deposits around the pancreas.
Getting rid of them so quickly was like giving a jumpstart to the pancreas.
With the fat deposits gone, the pancreas kicked back into gear, regulating blood glucose by producing the right amount of insulin and lowering insulin resistance.
By the end of this specialized mealplan, virtually every single person reduced or eliminated their need for diabetes medication.
Dr. Taylor was thrilled. He had discovered the real cause of Type 2 Diabetes, and he’d discovered the solution that had been right under everyone’s nose for decades!
And since Dr. Taylor works at one of the top diabetes research universities in the world, he didn’t have to try to convince people that he was right... he could prove it.
He designed a temporary mealplan to jumpstart the pancreas, based on the one used by the gastric bypass patients. Then he ran a medical study at Newcastle University, which in 2013 was published in the medical journal Diabetologia.
Read more about this treatment at Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer
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