#1: WATCH OUT FOR HIDDEN CARBS Carbs are everywhere. From dressings to sauces to stewed meats — flours and high-carb thickeners hide everywhere. The best thing you can do when you’re just starting out on keto is: • Read every nutrition label: don’t assume you know the carb count or that you can guess. Read your labels. And if it’s not labeled, like squash or a banana, google the food name + carb content. • Find your “go-to” keto snacks: find snacks with low carb counts and high-quality, nutrient-dense ingredients, then keep these handy at all times. • Consider tracking your carb intake: you might want to track your carb intake for the first week or so to get familiar with what 20-50 grams of carbohydrates looks like. Even a small amount of carbs can spike your blood sugar, raise your insulin levels, and kick you out of ketosis. It’s not worth a few bites of something delicious. #2. USE 28-DAY KETO CHALLENGE The 28-Day Keto Challlenge is a step-by-step ketogenic diet ...
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