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Showing posts from July, 2018

If you see this plant in your backyard, burn it immediately!

If you see this plant in your backyard, burn it immediately! You’ve probably already seen this in your backyard, but you didn’t know how dangerous it was… My advice: burn it or spread salt over it! If you see this plant in your backyard, burn it immediately!  If your grandparents knew more than we can even imagine about what plants to steer clear of and which plants to use for medicine. Today we’ve lost their wisdom and we will pay the ultimate price when our unsustainable medical system collapses. But if you’ll give me just a few minutes of your time I’ll show you how you can treat your whole family using only simple backyard weeds

Learn the TRUTH about Stubborn Fat (and how to get rid of it)

If you're looking for the easiest and quickest way to melt away 10, 20, 30 pounds and fire up your metabolism... Please read on... Our program is a scientific breakthrough that automatically cools inflammation and melts every ounce of excess weight. With no exercise. No dieting. No hunger. No willpower. And no gimmicks... And you will see amazing results in JUST 30 days! We call it the 30-Day Challenge... Even though it's not a challenge at all... We give you instruction, coaching, and support to make this challenge a piece of cake; which you can eat by the way! Give us just 30 days... And we'll PROVE how easy you can get your weight down. Your metabolism up. And your skinny jeans ON... By simply feasting on DELICIOUS, rich, filling foods -- ANY time you're hungry! When you sign up for the 30-Day Challenge, you get: 45 Incredible Recipes from Some of the Best Paleo Chefs Tips on Eating Out Access to Our Private Online Community The "Paleo Secret C...

How to respond to "buy me a drink" (curious? you should be)

Have you ever been talking to a girl and she RANDOMLY insults you? You know that feeling you get when you realize that she is actually rejecting you RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW? Your stomach jumps into your throat, doesn't it? Or when you walk up to a chick and she puts you on the spot by demanding you to do stuff for her? "Buy me a drink..." "Wait here while I go to the bathroom..." I do. And I remember when I didn't know how to respond in a way that would actually make her CHASE me instead of reject me. It was like everything was riding on whether or not she smiled when I said 'Hi' or if she made that who-the-hell-are-you face when I said 'Hi'. I want you to know what I learned to say that gave me the power to turn any response from her into a smile. It really made it all *click* for me. She'll be awe-struck when you respond to her secret 'test' with the things I say which I've tested, and are proven to work on...

Have you taken this belly fat test yet? (try it now)

I’m sure you’ve been told that drinking more water can help you lose weight, however... I think we’ve all gone a bit overboard. Here’s what I mean Nowadays you see people walking around with their own gallon water jugs... And next time you’re in a meeting at work, look around and see how many people brought water with them even though they’ll only be away from their desks for 30 minutes tops Obviously water’s important, but you don’t need to drink 3 gallons a day or "hydrate" every 5 minutes. Now, what you probably haven’t been told is a NEW "red water" that actually helps your body burn more belly fat every single day, here’s how ? See, a recent Harvard study showed that 80% of men and women over 40 have a digestive defect that makes it nearly impossible to burn belly fat, and It all has to do with your "digestive bile" which breaks down food you eat and shuttles it to your muscles and organs to be burned up for energy. However, because of th...

Can Hypnosis Really Help You To Manifest More Money?

By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of  Total Money Magnetism Can hypnosis really change the way you think? And can it be used to help you manifest more money? As a Clinical Hypnotherapist and self-made millionaire, I see clients all the time who want to manifest greater wealth and success in their life. I see people who have hit rock bottom and are in the dire straits of debt, to well-known Hollywood actors, producers, or sports stars who have hit a wall in their career (sorry, I’m not allowed to name names!) But no matter what the difference in their situations, all of my clients come to me for the same reason: something is blocking them from getting to the next level of wealth and success. And that ‘something’ is their thoughts and beliefs. Even though you may not realize it, you have powerful inner beliefs about your ability to become rich and successful, which are affecting your ability to manifest wealth right now.   I like to think about it like this. ...

4 Surprising Things That Are Holding You Back From Wealth

By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of  Total Money Magnetism .  Does it sometimes feel like other people in your life just have it  easy ?   You see them getting great jobs and promotions, earning big money, or not having to work hard for what they get… while you are constantly STRUGGLING? Do you sometimes think to yourself… ‘Why can’t I have what THEY have? Is there something I should have done differently?’ Well, let me tell you right now it’s not that they’re ‘better than you’. It’s not that they’re smarter than you, luckier than you, or they deserve it more.  As a hypnotherapist and self-made millionaire, I see clients every day who are struggling with one (or more) of  4 things … which make it almost  impossible  to get the wealth and the life you want. Here’s #1… #1: Fear of failure ‘But what if I FAIL?’ ‘What if I’m not GOOD enough?’ ‘What will I LOSE?’  ‘What will people think of me?’ We are creatures of habit,...

Secret Tea Burns Belly Fat Like Crazy

Secret Tea Burns Belly Fat Like Crazy & You Probably Have the Ingredients in Your Kitchen to Make it Right Now! By Elizabeth (Liz) Swann Miller You’ve likely heard of green tea and black tea but have you heard about red tea? If you haven’t, I urge you to take a few minutes to read this short article – if you are looking to lose weight you are not going to be disappointed. That’s because red tea, even more so than green or black tea, activate your body to burn unwanted fat. It’s true, this tea is being called “the tasty way to flush away extra pounds.” The tea, itself … which some call ‘voodoo tea’ even though the benefits it produces are real and definitely not ‘voodoo’ … was discovered in the wilds of Africa where Kenyan tribesmen drink it to eliminate hunger pangs while they hunt for their next meal. I myself used the tea, which is delicious by the way, to lose 14 pounds in 14 days and since I’ve started drinking the tea I’ve now lost a total of ...

Could the Real Secret to Weight Loss Be Something as Simple as Tea?

By Elizabeth (Liz) Swann Miller There I was standing in the wilds of Africa with a massive, red, venomous snake looking right at me and a single thought racing through my mind –“why in the world did I risk my life for this cup of tea?” The truth is I was looking for what I considered to be the weight loss “holy grail” - a tea that legend claimed completely erased hunger pangs. The story so intrigued me that I decided to leave the comfort of my home in the US and venture into a remote area of Africa populated by a Kenyan tribe to find out if the tales about this ‘voodoo tea’ were true. What I discovered changed my life, in that it has allowed me to lose 41 pounds of unwanted fat. That’s right, not only did the tea really exist (and it’s definitely not ‘voodoo’) but it turned out to be even better than the stories let on. You see, not only does the tea get rid of hunger pangs; it also activates your body’s natural ability to burn fat. On top of all that, it als...

#1 Activity Making You Fatter & Weaker

It may be the most harmless activity known to man, but it's also one of the biggest dangers to your health. If you have tight hip flexors from sitting too much you may be kicking your body into fat storing mode and it has nothing to do with inactivity. Sitting Is a Fat Loss Inhibitor As the body's "fight or flight" muscle, your psoas (hip flexors) is deeply connected to our natural survival instinct. It instantly tightens in moments of danger to either protect you (in a fetal position) or help you run, fueled by the release of adrenaline. When this happens, your immune system suffers and your body automatically switches into fat storing mode in anticipation of danger. Can't shift that weight? Blame those tight hip flexors known as your "survival muscle". If You Sit Too Much & You're Having Trouble Losing Fat Try This: If you have a desk job, drive to work or like to relax on the couch, congratulations you're like a lot of other pe...

Buat Duit Online Dari Rumah

Jadi 2 orang affiliate baru ini begitu yakin untuk mendapat jualan. Mereka cuba strategi dapat pelawat dari Facebook. Ya lah, agen affiliate baru ni kesungguhan lebih sikit. Mereka buat teknik pemasaran percuma di Facebook. Online sentiasa di FB dan bekerja keras membawa pelawat klik link affiliate mereka. Buat posting ke group-group dan fanpage besar di Facebook. TAK MINAT Jumpa Orang ? Hari pertama saya buka akaun WeChat, terus buat iklan petang itu juga  dan besoknya sangkut seorang pelanggan. Semenjak itu saya mula mengkaji tentang WeChat dan bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan prospek dan pelanggan dengan mudah. Dalam keadaan ekonomi negara yang semakin mencabar ini, ramai yang mula nak buat bisnes secara part time sebagai sumber pendapatan tambahan. Saya masih buat step yang sama, iaitu setiap kerja mempunyai step-stepnya sendiri. Selepas beli domain dan add ke hosting sedia ada, saya akan mula pasang blog wordpress. Blog ini pemasangannya ambil masa 1-2 minit sahaja dan bud...

Weight Loss MYTH: Eat Less, Exercise More

‘THE BIGGEST LOSER’ Study of 2016 When you get the advice EAT LESS and EXERCISE MORE, then there’s no other group of people who did exactly that than the contestants of the TV program ‘The Biggest Loser’, right? However, according to a study conducted in 2016 on former contestants of the weight loss reality show, not only were their weights back up but their metabolism was “slower than people of comparable age and body composition”. The study, which was published in the scientific journal Obesity, noted that the contestants’ levels of leptin, the ‘satiety’ or ‘ok, I’m full now, stop eating’ hormone have dramatically dropped. It seemed that their leptin levels never fully returned to their pre-TV show appearance levels even after six years! Although it’s true that the “EAT LESS and EXERCISE MORE” motto was obviously at extremely high levels for the show, the effects on the contestants long after the cameras have stopped rolling are still astounding. So what do these resea...